Could europe fend-off a russian invasion alone?
If Russia were to actually try to invade Europe, and Europe has to fend for themselves, would they be able to defeat Russia?
Europe would win | 11 | |
Russia would win | 5 |
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If Russia were to actually try to invade Europe, and Europe has to fend for themselves, would they be able to defeat Russia?
Europe would win | 11 | |
Russia would win | 5 |
Russia wins
But they don't attack anyone. It's just an idea SOME has put in people.
You forget how much antiquated equipment russia still uses. Among still having a crappy navy.
Its about an even fight I'd say.
I dont know much about nato but that would be an interesting tv show if they broke it down. Russia is more of a ground force they have lots of vehicles and tanks. I think Russia could use blitzing techniques like Hitler did and could gain a lot of ground quickly. Idk if they could pull it off though you are at a disadvantage attacking dug in troops that are waiting on you. You usually need to out number them by 3 to 1 to have a good chance at that. I don't know much about Russias military leadership but if I had to guess they have some badass generals that know their shit.
Most of their tanks are rather old and are just targets for the modern European tanks (the Gulf War proved that).
They may be able overrun ground quickly - but they cannot shoot accurately. They need a ranging shot first, which is best done when stationary - and the western tanks do not and can shoot accurately when moving. Russia has a limited number of modern tanks that are accurate on the 1st shot and can shoot on the move.
A face to face tank battle with western Europe will likely be won by western Europe.
Western Europe has a superior air force as well - and lots of anti-tank missiles to take out the limited number of modern Russian tanks, and then add to the carnage of the other tanks and supply lines.
The Western Europe Navy is far more capable the whats left of the degraded Russian Navy. It may be a battle - but I expect the European Navy to sink the entire northern Russian Navy within a week.
Most people do not understand just how hollow the Russian military is on overall capabilities. Brazil has a larger economy than Russia - and overall military expenditures have been cut way back in Russia for the last 20 years or so.