Could you have a long term partner with different beliefs than you?

guy I just started dating is atheist and I am Catholic it does not bother him that I am Catholic but I dont know if he could marry a girl who was religious. Will that even work?
* spiritual means believing in God but not following a religion.

I am religious. Yes 3
I am religious. No 1
I am spiritual*. Yes 9
I am spiritual*. No 0
I have no beliefs or faith. Yes 8
I have no beliefs or faith. No 5
Other 1
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Comments ( 11 )
  • gloryholeflasher

    Light has no fellowship with darkness! If you are truly a believer, and he truly is an atheist then you are both just asking for trouble. Respect each other's differences, and be friends if you you want, but don't try to be "one". It really can't be done.

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  • Short4Words

    As long as they are open minded.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, a strong Republican, is married to Maria Shriver, a Kennedy. It seems to have worked OK for them.

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  • 1manband

    There should be no problem at all, so long as you don't start pushing your beliefs on him! If he's a true athiest, he will only mention religion in topical discussions, and it won't matter who's religious and who isn't...
    Hope that helped?
    By the way, I'm a born again athiest

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    • Royalburden

      "If he's a true Atheist"
      That's a No-True-Scotsman fallacy, sir.

      You can't define what a "True Atheist" would do as Atheists are just as colorful as their religious brethren.

      I for one wouldn't marry a christian if he/she were the kindest human on earth because it shows a serious flaw in their reasoning. I prefer a human who is honest with themselves and reasons based on reality not due to a lifestyle given to them by a fictitious almighty being :)

      To me that shows this person recognizes consequences in the real world as opposed to fictitious ones and will act based on those, likewise their kindness comes from them, not what was commanded of them by another :D

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  • lazurm

    I'm an atheist and will be marrying a Catholic who believes in God and goes to Church for Mass every week, and on all the High Holy days. She loves me to go with her and I do. At those times I really get into all the prayers, rituals, songs and collective responses and feel closer to my girlfriend and the congregation. I don't join the Communion line though, of course, and have been able to convince her not to as having "relations" out of marriage is a sin, according to Catholic Church teachings. I've even enrolled in the RCIA program to learn more about it all. I may, at this point, know more than she does about her own religion.

    I don't mind that it's been one sided in this way as I enjoy the experience with her a lot.

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    • lazurm

      Well, after going to RCIA I've decided to convert. I'm no longer an atheist so...problem resolved. It all started when I began trying praying. Call it self hypnosis but, at this point, it feels better than before.

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  • Stamex

    Atheist, was in a serious relationship with a Catholic girl. Religion usually never came up.
    No problemo.

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  • theseeker

    I guess it depends how those beliefs shape your lifestyle. I think it can still work as long as you have respect for each other's beliefs, and the way you want to live isn't too conflicting with one another. Of course, in all cases it won't work that way.

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  • green_boogers

    My religion is science. As long my partner respects that, I can be supportive of her beliefs of they are modest and based in ethics.

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  • dahztoyevskeet

    Depends on the nature of those beliefs.

    I could be classified as an atheist for what it's worth, though I don't think it would bother me too terribly if someone I was in a relationship with had some sort of religious belief. I draw the line with any kind of fundamentalist, though, and I've heard that it's tough to have any kind of relationship with Sunnis if you're not also one (and they'll try to convert you). It just depends on the nature and degree of their religiosity, I guess.

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