Covid 19 stay at home order

So in our state, the governor issued a "Stay in" order.
That is of course unless you are out taking a walk, going to the grocery/other errands, or going to work at an essential business like the grocery store, drug store, or a place that sells sexy high heels. Who doesn't want to die in style?

Well, here is the problem - how are they going to know where people are going? Besides, since ain't jack shit open, nothing fun anyways, where WOULD one be going? "Oh sorry officer, there is this awesome party at the bar and everyone is going to be there!"
WTF ever.

*I* know what it is! There is a secret show downtown where some 600 pound fat woman is going to try to break the world record for how much she can stuff in her face and horny men are going to jack off while watching!

So really, what is the point of a "stay at home" order again?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Because believe it or not, it's working. There are literally millions of less people on the roads in the US.

    I live in New York. The streets are scary empty. So the point is to stay home..I don't understand your point.

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  • BleedingPain

    What state are you in? Illinois has been on lock down and last night we got a civil emergency message blasted on tv (looks like the blue screen of death) demanding that people stay the fuck inside.

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  • Whatintarnation

    There will still be dumbasses out driving around. The amount of old people out I have seen the last couple of weeks is mind blowing. It's like don't you old fucks read the news? Stay home. Crochet some shit.

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    • Boojum

      This particular old fuck doesn't know how to crochet, but he last left the house ten days ago and he intends to stay here for as long as possible. I estimate we can keep going with the supplies on hand for at least another three weeks. (And no, we weren't amongst those who went bonkers in the supermarkets last week. Ever since we lived in a rural Italian farmhouse that regularly got snowed-in for weeks on end, we've always kept our cupboards well-stocked with non-perishable food.)

      It really shouldn't need to be said, but while old fucks with chronic respiratory issues like me are particularly vulnerable to this bastard virus, it can also kill young, healthy people. There have been a number of cases of that happening publicised in Britain over the last few days. What isn't getting highlighted nearly enough is that even if you do survive the virus, it does a real number on the lungs, and once you've lost lung capacity due to the pneumonia it causes, it's entirely possible you'll never get it back.

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  • litelander8

    I’ve been out and about up until Monday. Finally unemployed 😔

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    • raisinbran

      That sucks... what was your job?

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      • litelander8

        Server, waitress. Restaurant extraordinaire!

        The whole biz is just pick up orders on $8 an hour plus tips. Which is great for what it is, but my childcare is out for the next two weeks. So.. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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  • ellnell

    The virus spreads fast, many places where people go have more than 10 people in there at once and even if they don't you're preferably supposed to stay 1 meter away from others at all times which is hard if you're with many people.
    They can't check that everyone stays away from places but i'm sure they put their trust in the fact that people aren't complete dumbfucks and respect others. Not sure why they'd trust that though, posts like this one proves people aren't that smart.
    Where I live no bars or anything is closed but most people avoid them anyway, shame for those bars who already has to close down due to losing so much money but personally I don't care because I don't go to bars.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    id really rather stay home than witness such a spectacle

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont like it. I dont like when government says the constitution is not the law anymore. Especially for an extremely mild virus. "If you'd trade freedom for security you deserve neither"

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    • leggs91200

      There really are no "rights", they are just privileges that are harder to revoke.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        They're supposed to be your rights. That was the whole point in the constitution.

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  • --

    Our hospital are denying ventilators for people over 60 and are saving them for younger people. What they are doing is just sedating people over 60 and trying to make them comfortable to die, they are not even going to help them.

    I honestly think its the right thing to do.

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    • leggs91200

      That is fucked up. Where are you located?

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      • --

        I'm for it. It wouldn't be fair for a young person to die because an old person that has got to live a life already is taking all the machines. Gives the young a chance at living a life, like the old did.

        Thats what I would like to believe but its probably more a business decision. Truth is society doesn't have a use for the elderly, the elderly are a strain on resources such as tax money and medical care. The young however can all be tax payers, and be tax payers for a long time.

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        • leggs91200

          I understand you are not personally the one who makes that decision, however -

          I imagine if you were over 60 you probably would not feel that way. No I am not that old yet but I do know this - no one and nothing wants to die before their time. Some elderly are ready to go but 60 sure isn't elderly.

          Also, what about younger people who are going to be burdens on society, like ones who manage to get lifetime disability in their 30's or younger. What about career criminals who are in and out of prison all the time?

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  • --

    Pornhub premium is free. No more boredom, yay.

    Nova is my fav radio station

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  • Boojum

    Obviously, since you don't live in a police-state (regardless of what the lunatic fringe on the right claims), such orders rely on people accepting the reasons for the order, conforming and behaving sensibly.

    Problem is, there's no shortage of idiots in the world, so the hypothetical show you mention would undoubtedly draw a big crowd.

    BTW, speaking of idiots, the most disgusting thing I've heard in the past few hours is that there's been a spate of muggings of National Health Service workers outside UK hospitals. What the cretins have been trying to steal isn't phones, wallets or handbags as usual, but rather NHS identity cards. The motive is that lots of supermarkets in Britain are offering special hours for health workers and other places are offering free takeaway food or snacks to those working in healthcare.

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  • SmokeEverything

    The show in my local community where groups of men are jacking off to various fat women eating a lot is actually kind of the only thing Im avoiding cause of this virus psyop thing. Theres a lot of dudes rubbing on each other down there.

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  • raisinbran

    In my town, there are officers posted at every block. If you leave the house you get shot. My old lady neighbor made the mistake of trying to get her cat from the sidewalk. They were both shot in the head.

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    • leggs91200

      where the hell do you live? I call BS. Unless you are in some country that worships Allah Snackbar or whoever that camel jockey God is.

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    • Bassmachine

      That's called Martial law.

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