Covid-19 was spreading in the us by december 2019

The study researchers analyzed more than 24,000 blood samples collected in the U.S. from Jan. 2 to March 18, 2020, as part of the National Institutes of Health's All of Us program, a project that aims to gather health data from diverse populations.
The novel coronavirus may have already arrived in the U.S. by late December 2019, adding to the evidence that the virus was already lurking here at least a month before the country's first reported case.
Serologic Testing of US Blood Donations to Identify Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)–Reactive Antibodies: December 2019–January 2020.
Of the 7389 samples, 106 were reactive by pan-Ig. Of these 106 specimens, 90 were available for further testing. Eighty-four of 90 had neutralizing activity, 1 had S1 binding activity, and 1 had receptor-binding domain/ACE2 blocking activity >50%, suggesting the presence of anti–SARS-CoV-2–reactive antibodies. Donations with reactivity occurred in all 9 states.These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may have been introduced into the United States prior to 19 January 2020.
The median time from SARS-CoV-2 infection to IgG antibody presence is 14 days.13–15 Assuming individuals who were seropositive according to the sequential definition were infected at least 2 weeks prior to biospecimen collection, our findings suggests the virus may have been present in Illinois as early as December 24, 2019.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • LornaMae

    Sooooo... do you have a question or is this just a PSA?

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  • LloydAsher

    Still doesnt erase the fact that China fucked over all countries with covid.

    Even if they didnt intend to spread covid. They took all mask materials away from shipping to other countries (even if the materials were under contracts).
    Held back very important covid information that they knew from the world.
    As well as everytime they gave aid to another country apart of the that aid the country was REQUIRED to publically thank china for the aid.

    China pulled out every asshole move for a pandemic they could have. When it started doesnt matter to me. China still was extremely responsible for covid deaths.

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  • I aint reading that shit but yeah. Here in my country its been suspected since last year that covid came here in the late fall of 2019 already. There were people who had covid-symptoms back then but they were written off as a bad flu. I don't doubt that it's possible covid was a thing way earlier than what has been officially revealed.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    A few ppl including my dad think they got it in january so I wouldnt doubt it. I think some people even took the antibodies tests way later and said "I wasnt sick since january". So its been here for abit probably

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