Crazy health question

It's such a stupid question but I'll just ask it: Have you ever thought that the fact of getting diagnosed, or getting tested whatever the test is, was actually the result of a disease? I know it's crazy but sometimes I watch people getting tests done and I can't help but wondering what would have been if they hadn't gotten tested you know? Don't know how this theory is called. I think I saw it on CSI once. It was a woman who went for a regular mammography screening and they found out she had cancer. What would have happened if she hadn't gone?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Postal602

    Depending on what disease the patient has, it would have worsened if they hadn't gone. Brain tumors for example get expediently worse as time progresses, the lump in your brain swells and eventually bleeds. Another example could be Leukemia, how it starts out with excruciating stomach problems, and ends up becoming progressively worse. Your thought about the screening itself giving the patient the disease is a superstitious belief out of paranoia, if they hadn't gone symptoms would worsen.

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    • Excellent answer, thanks

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  • Nickvey

    basically you want to know if knowing you have a disease has an effect of the outcome of the said disease. Fact , many people outlive their active cases of cancer and die without ever being diagnosed. some die of the cancer , some die of other factors. personally i want to know . i can make the best decisions for my life if i have the correct data. if you tell a person he has AIDS and he really does not, will he die of AIDs yes , but it will be the meds that kill him or her. This is not guessing this is fact.

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  • Unstuck-in-Time

    Read up on OCD.

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