Create wealth with love

My girlfriend is 40 and still doesn't have a home and has a bunch of student loan debt. She is paying for her friends mortgage, and is living in the, "mother in law" bonus room.

She wants to travel to Europe, but I think we should pay off her debts before we do luxury stuff. Am i a boring person or am I smart?

chill and take a cheap, local vacation 1
buy a home, stop renting and paying her mortgage 0
yolo go to Europe, more debt 0
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Orphan

    Take a cheap vacation like cuba or something in the meantime. Pay off student debt. Keep renting till student debt is paid. Once paid, Save for a few years and travel thru Europe. Than think about buying a home.
    Or buy a home and then save to travel thru europe

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    • Can't do cuba, we are American

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      • Orphan

        So just go camping where there's a beach

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        • Yeah that sounds like financially healthy travel plans

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