Cute things make me want to die
Sometimes when I see something really cute, like a really cute animal, I want to die. It is just too cute to handle. It makes me feel almost violent (don't worry, I never hurt the animal). Weird?
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Sometimes when I see something really cute, like a really cute animal, I want to die. It is just too cute to handle. It makes me feel almost violent (don't worry, I never hurt the animal). Weird?
I get the same feeling like I want to hurt something cute like hugging it to death lol
i think i actually know what you mean. i actually get this weird urge to squish my cat into a little ball because he's so cute. thankfully, i can control it, and i would never hurt my cat, but i DO like to curl him into a ball (gently) and hug him a lot. it's like the weird urge people get to pinch someone's cheeks. you know it causes them pain, and you don't want to hurt them, but it's a weird cuteness reaction.
I think it's normal. sometimes when my dog looks at me really cute it makes me grind my teeth and feel like I need to do something violent. So instead I just hug him... we
I think it's normal. It's like something is so cute, it's torturing you. Like that much cuteness should be a crime or something. I get that way sometimes with penguins or Pokemon or Stitch or kittens. There's more things that get me that way. Ooh, Gizmo from gremlins. The list goes on....
I don't feel violent though...
I grind my teeth when I'm petting my cat. I've always had the urge to squeeze them so tight their adorable little eyeballs pop out. I would never hurt anything though, so I found it confusing.
My professor for animal behavior said it could just be an over-expressed protection reaction. Evolutionarily speaking, it may be a response to infanticidal individuals from our ancestors where some reacted to that by holding their offspring a little too close. :)
lol omg this has me cracking up. i do the same thing! not really that i "want to die" or feel
"violent" but i get exactly what you mean. lol i grind my teeth too and idk if its just me being weird but ever since i was little lol its accompanied by i feel like i have to stretch my legs lol im a loony toon tho so idk if i could consider anything that you do as normal if it something that i do.... but ill vote yes
i suppose you are just using the term "want to die" as opposed to really wanting to die.
better be careful though, there's lots of cute things out there.
feeling violent is not normal, i think.
It doesnt make sense to me becuz if u find alot of things attractive, then why would u wana die? If u die then you will nwver see those cute animals or cute ppl ever again..
I would ask a professional counselor..Im sure there is probably a name for this and prob a medication..there seems to be one for everything now? good luck