Cuteness does not affect how much concern i have for animals

A lot of the time, people will value certain animals and venerate them as if they were gods. I have seen people often put physically ugly human ethnicities lower than cute animals, and think of stuff like "we can eat this animal because it's ugly, but I'd rather kill this ugly guy than this animal because it's sooo cute". (Note I am NOT talking about misanthropy or people who find more happiness out of animals than people, but the ones who judge a being's worth solely on their cuteness level) Personally, seeing an adorable animal does not swoon me at the least. Do I think of them as cute? Yes. Does it make me value them anymore than any other animal? Not in the least. If I were to feed a bunch of fugly people/pets/critically endangered animals, I would gladly cock an AK-47 and turn Bambi from the lub of cuteness to a lifeless mutilated mess of blood and flesh, and then watch the hungry tear his lifeless corpse apart. Of course, I'd try to do it humanely by aiming for the head (hence insta-death), but I would have no problem seeing the cuteness turn into ugliness.

Of course, I am against causing undue, gratuitous suffering to animals, ugly and cute, and that is a significant concern in my moral compass. However, I put no extra value in a cute looking sentient animal than the ugliest sentient animal on the planet, and it annoys me when people judge an sentient being's life's worth solely by its cuteness.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I don't do this. Only immature and ignorant people do this. Granted, lots of people are ignorant when it comes to food, but I find plants to be very beautiful and would never think to not eat it because it was pretty. I do the same with animals. Some animals are more valuable for companionship than for food.

    As for ugly people...I wouldn't subject them to death row for being ugly and let the atteactive sociopath live because he was nice looking.

    How shallow of a culture do you live in.

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    • Internet culture.

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  • pixie_dust

    I kind of agree with u, i guess its why i love dogs in particular bcuz of their inner beauty bcuz theyre so sweet & loving, & i love dolphins bcuz theyre magical & a sort of blessing to humans. .Bunnies & cats are about same cuteness but i like cats bcuz they can love u back unlike bunnies. I love birds more bcuz its the beauty of nature. Most insects r ugly & dont have souls. I judge things on inner beauty, but i just mainly love mother earth and nature & i appreciate animals for being genuine.

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    • Insects represent over 75% of all animal life. If they didn't exist, the ecological balance of the earth would be thrown off completely.

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      • pixie_dust

        that's true, but wasn't the post about cuteness of animals and how people [perhaps mistakenly] put value in an animal for their cuteness? I have contemplated this before and I developed these ideas. It's really the inner beauty that matters. In the case that they don't have souls, then it doesn't really matter. I think that if it's capable of love then it probably has a soul. Like dogs are so loving. In fact many people have seen their dogs after death or in near death experiences, and there have been ghosts of dogs. These are my theoretical ideas as of yet, subject to change if I find out new revelations.

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  • FireFlower

    It seems to me that most people value animals based on cuteness. I am like you, I do not value them just because of cuteness. I value animals based on intelligence, companionship, and other qualities not based on appearance. If the animal happens to be cute, then that is good too, but I take animals as a whole package, not just a shell of cuteness.

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    • Personally, I value non-human animals based on their capability to be sentient, and their ecological role. And extra value will be added to the animals should they be someone's companions. Jeremy Bentham summed up my view:
      "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"

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      • I wonder who downvoted me.

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