
Okay, I have a cutting problem. The first time i cut myself it felt good, addicting, so i did it the next day. I promised i wouldn't do it again. But last night i did it again. I tend to snap at people, and get mad easily, then i go in my room, when i am depressed and do stupid sh*t. I have tried to commit suicide so many times. Im surprised im still alive. Pretty pathetic when you cant even kill yourself right?
I dont know what to do. My mom said shes going to submit me into a heath facility if i dont stop. It just..It feels good after a rough day. ya know?
and i have a horrible past. I was sexually abused everyday for four years by my dad. Which has made me to become the person i am. I dont know what to do.

Thank you.

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Xerxes

    To fix you're Problem kill you're father for what he did if he's already dead kill a random person to lash out you're anger toward him.

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    • hotornot

      What in this big wide world is wrong with you? Get help.... psychotic to say the least!

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  • yu-gi-ohChampion25

    your only getting about as high as a taking half a tylenol at the most. people hear about it releasing endorphins and dopamine and convince themselves their getting relief but really their just going to get locked up with no rights for the rest of their life because they'll be labled as a danger to themselves. and thats why cutting is stupid.

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  • Macnmaddie

    So tell me after you put those scars on your arm do you feel better huh?? Because you think it "takes the pain away" but actually your just causing more pain

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  • well, i can understand why it would feel good to cut yourself. when you do, you feel the adrenaline rushing through your body, thats why it feels good to you.

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  • laceandwhatnot

    You need to seek help my dear.

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  • ihopeyoudie

    ok look. you can look at the bad shit or the good shit. the bad shit, you dont have to be so self mutliating, but you will prolly always be a whore. but whores often can be good lovers. after all they are pro. there is a plus and minus to your mind state. you just have to learn who why and what you want to do with it. look at everything in retrospect.

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  • ihopeyoudie

    dont become a cook

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  • theceilingfan

    I can't say I fully understand the emotional struggle you're currently undergoing, but I do understand where you're coming from.

    I was sexually abused by my brother when I was just hitting puberty. (Seems so long ago, now) The years following that revolved around insomnia and physical pain. It's been about 6-7 years since I stopped hurting myself, but I have to say that the abuse you endured and its effects will haunt you for many years, without help. Take your mother's offer for help. She might not know what to do, but professionals do. You are not alone in the way you feel.

    As for motivation to stop injuring yourself....

    I am not going to say I'm the most beautiful person in the world, but I would call myself average in appearance. I'm a fairly healthy person who eats well and exercises regularly. That being said, I have hundreds upon hundreds of scars on my body from my teenage years. (I happen to form keloids instead of regular scars) A healthy self-image is something most abuse victims have a VERY tough time achieving, and having constant reminders all over your body of the emotional struggles you've endured is not helpful in this regard.

    Do yourself a favor, get help.

    Quit marring your beautiful body. It's yours for life.

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  • candycane

    It is not the problems we face, but how we choose to deal with them that make us who we are. It sounds like you have gone through some bad times and no one deserves that. You have to find a healthier way to deal with your emotions though. there is a website exactly like this for people who cut themselves and also for the friends and family of people who do. You can talk to other people who are in the same situation you are. Its like an online support group that can help you stop cutting. There are also some really good suggestions on that site to help you stop cutting as well. The link to the website is:

    good luck and remember there will always be people who will care about you and love you for who you are. Screw the ones who don't because you don't need them in your life.

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  • cookeh_dough

    I know. I need to stop.
    your completely right.
    thank you. =)
    have a nice day :]

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    • Potato

      I may be the only one who has the balls (or the nerve) to say this, but if cutting keeps you alive in especially bad times, its a sacrifice worthy to take. Cutting and suicide are different things, I'm sure you know. If you feel suicidal, just be discreet and stay healthy.

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      • cookeh_dough

        Yes. :)
        but im trying to stop.

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      • WarLord

        Hey, welcome back Potato :)

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  • ABluigi

    wat ur dad did to u is fucked up but that doesnt makevu tha person u will become u jus let that get tha best of u. insted of cuting ur self why not devote ur self to becoming someone that help stop shit like that from happening like a consler or somthin

    Yea i know we all have rough days and all but i dont go around cutting my self, i roll a blut and smoke out and watch comedy central (which is not tha best thing ether but it doesnt threatin my life)

    i know wat u went through
    hurt by someone u loved
    alone and confused
    but there are people that care ur jus not lookin good enough

    Sinserly, Luigi

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  • cookeh_dough

    He pissed me off though, saying im imagining things, and has the slightest nerve to tell my mom im just looking for attention.

    Pisses me off.
    But i think i will do okay.
    I really need to stop with the cutting thing though.
    Its nice to know somebody out there actually cares =)
    thank you.

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  • WarLord

    Yeah, sorry. Disregard that statement. I just got a bit upset about what you wrote.

    Hope everything works out for you.

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  • I would go to the health thing. And the abuse your father did may be the cause. Therapy is the only solution....

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  • cookeh_dough

    Ah, where will that get me though? Prison? I think i'll pass, thank you though =)

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  • cookeh_dough

    Yes, my mom knows. She dosnt know what to do though.

    Thanks for the advice.

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  • WarLord

    PS Your dad needs to be fucking castrated!

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  • WarLord

    I feel really bad for you.

    Does your mom know what your dad did to you?

    I would say you need to see a therapist and get on anti-depressants.

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  • cpg123

    well its not normal to cut but many ppl do it just find a new way to feel better or talk to some1 about it

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