Cycling really lose weight? where can i buy a good bicycle?

I was a young little fat, often make fun of the people around me, I often dreamed I slim down the matter, it was more than a good thing! Think of the future l am so fat, really sick of it! Over and over again people say riding a bicycle to lose weight, so I raised this issue, ask friend to help me!

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Drink water, bruh!

    I thought it was stupid to assume water alone can make you lose weight but since I gave up fatty drinks and exclusively drank water (apart from the occasional tea or coffee) I've lost weight pretty fast.

    Try drinking water instead of other drinks. Can be a bit irritating to begin with but after a while you don't even feel the want to drink fatty drinks. :P

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  • Shackleford96

    You don't speak English very well, do you?

    You can get bicycles from many places. A local bike shop in your area, or search for a used one somewhere. Maybe a pawn shop. You might be able to get on Facebook and search for a swap group to join. You can often find bicycles on there too.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Yes yes yes. I got my sweet old cruiser out of a dumpster. I used it for over a year with the crappy tires it had in it. I just recently got new tires and tubes and I'm on the road again. Meep meep.

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  • chained_rage

    Swimming is the best exercise

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It IS in fact a good way to lose weight. It was one of the things I used to slim down. Don't the stores in your local area sell them?

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    • Yooo! I'm trying to lose weight and exercise more myself (I'm not the OP)...I traded in fatty drinks for water and now it looks like I've dropped too much weight or will do soon. Does cycling build a bit of muscle or something too?

      Trying to lose as much weight as healthily as I can.

      Basically, does cycling give you a good form or does it just reduce your weight?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        CountessDouche just gave a good answer. Listen to her.

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        • Yeah, she got it nailed down. :P

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      • CountessDouche

        Omg lol...

        It's really good low impact cardio, and it's great exercise for beginners cause you can start out slow. I think it would be a good routine for you, but if you want to build muscle, you might want to add a small amout of weight or resistance training, plus you might want to increase your caloric intake once you start an exercise routine, particularly lean protein (chicken, egg whites, tuna, blabla).

        Good luck shitduz : D

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        • Who the fuck do you think you are? Leaving for so long and then returning as if I'll just take you back? Well, that's exactly what's going to happen but you should feel guilty! Guilty, I say!

          Not trying to build a ton of muscle really, just get a better body tone, if that's the right word for it? I do enough work at the field to keep muh muscle anyway, atleast on my arms. Aha. :P

          Ta for the long response though explaining it all, brah! I'm trying not to take in less calories than I should, I eat the same amount, ish, but for some reason I'm getting a bitt too skinny that my ribs are starting to show a little ever since I replaced fatty drinks for water. AM JUST BIG BONED, MOM! Lol.

          But yeah, I wanna try swimming aswell. Haven't swam in ages but I heard it's great for weight lose and all or something. :P

          Ta for the response. :)

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          • CountessDouche

            You totlally missed me, sheep fucker!!

            And you're welcome : D

            Yeah, do a lil cardio and some weight training every day and that'll help you tone up. Make sure to switch muscle groups every day because your muscles need at least 24 hours to recover (you won't build muscle if you do it every single day). Also, even if you aren't cutting calories, make sure to add protein (necessary to build muscle)....I'd also add potassium when you're starting (one banana a day should do it)- the potassium prevents muscle cramps.

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            • Fuck off, I didn't miss you, you cunt...I have the shrine and doll of you so I'm fi-I mean...Uh...I have video games and uh...I missed you. :'(

              God damn it, Countess, you know more of this manly muscle stuff than me! I need to drink beer and watch football to regain the little masculinity I had. Bitch. :'(

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        • CountessDouche

          Oh - and the more muscle you gain, the more weight you'll be able to lose. You burn more calories that way, just resting. So building muscle is good...just a little bit of weight lifting.

          Please be careful and don't restrict your calories too much or lose a drastic amount of weight all at once.

          It also helps to change up your exercise routine. Your body becomes accustomed to the same thing if it's repetitive, and it helps to change up your routine.

          For beginners, walking is good, so is swimming, and cycling.

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  • Darkoil

    I work at a bike company and can vouch it is a good exercise for weight loss. Nearly everyone who works here is stick thin.

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  • qualityaristocrat

    A store in your local area would be ideal.

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  • green_boogers

    I am a cyclist. I live to ride.

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  • Ace9

    Uh... the bicycle... store...?

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  • Arm0se

    Walking works too.

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