Dealing with depression at seventeen and parents offer little support
I am seventeen years old and have been dealing with what is to be believed by medical professionals as chronic/severe depression. I am down and out most of the time, only putting on a happy face for appearances. Most days, I come home from school exhausted and sleep or lay down from dusk to dawn.
I feel it is pretty obvious that my mental health is not all the healthy, but my parents have a difficult time understanding this. My father gets very frustrated with me, thinking I am just being lazy or using excuses for my lack of energy. My mother just cries at the mention of me not being perfect, calling herself a bad mother, which makes me feel even more guilty.
Without a home support system, as well as lacking the money and insurance for psychological help such as therapy or medication, I don't really know what to do anymore or who to turn too.
Is it normal to feel there aren't many places or people to turn to? Or is it just me acting like a spoiled brat?
If anyone has any suggestions on how I should handle my parents or my depression or anything at all, please comment below.