Dear mary kay salespeople...

Dear Mary Kay Salespeople and other persons participating in similar pyramid scams...

Stop it. Seriously. Look up "Pyramid Scam" and figure out where you are. Sure, yes, the rest of us are not in better positions than you. We sit near the bottoms of similar totem poles selling products to line the pockets of rich old assholes who run our country but you... You're different.

You annoy us with Facebook newsfeeds littered with ads for useless junk, your group texts inviting us to come try out products that we could buy at Wal Mart for half the price in your tupperware party-style household events. You fail to see the difference between supporting your friends' dreams and feeding them false hopes of a day when you will get the "honor" of pinning a "Triple Gold Star Seller" pin on your shirt and wearing it to a convention feeling like you're on top of the world because you pushed hundreds of units of overpriced knock-offs and received a whopping $500 in commissions last year. You have effectively become "that annoying friend".

A special shout-out to those of you who are somehow able to connect the participation in this Tier 1 bullshit level of your lower rung of the pyramid scheme with female empowerment. Forget excelling at traditionally male dominated careers. Forget exercising your freedom of choice to be a fantastic cook or school teacher or engineer or stay-at-home-Mom or taking advantage of your liberties by going to college or joining the military. No, selling overpriced cosmetics... that's where the empowerment is that. THAT is what separates the girls from the WOMEN.

Is it normal to feel so much disdain toward Mary-Kay (and the like) sellers?

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77% Normal
Based on 26 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Amway, I freaking hate those Amway people.

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    • VirgilManly

      They're like Jehovah's Witnesses with foundation and concealer.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I know, I'm like, "fuck that shit", I get my cosmetics at the store like a normal person. I hate it when the Mary Kay bitches ask me where I get my makeup and skin care, I used to always say Chanel just to shut them up. Honestly though, I use a myriad of department, salon and drug store products, but Mary Kay ain't shit, and I'm not trying to go to any damn parties.

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        • VirgilManly

          Rose, don't hold back. You have to learn to tell us how you really feel.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Thanks, for your love and support I present you with this...
            *hands Virgil a bunch of bananas*

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            • VirgilManly

              Thanks, but I was hoping for the pink Cadillac.

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  • Jazyritz619

    I was out shopping for groceries one day and I happened to socialize an old co-worker who I used to work with. I then happened to see another familiar face name Shannon. Shannon used to stock wine then switched over as a Mary Kay sales person. All three of us were just chit chatting talking about our old job (which was hell) and how we were happy to leave that place. Shannon then mentions how she signed up for Mary Kate and if we were ever interested in another job opportunity that she can get us into the "Mary Kate Sisters Club" of an easy payment of $75 (-_-). She mention the basic like selling cosmetics and how they was a gather of "Mary Kay Sisters" events. My old co-worker and I just looked at each other with such discomfort. Shannon was really pushing it but poor sympathy me I gave in and gave her my number and name. She was so excited that she even introduce me a Grocery clerk who was part of the club. It was akward. I got home and got a hold of myself wondering what was I even thinking? I had to stand up for myself and have the confidence of saying no to people. She then later try to call me so I blocked her number. Never heard from her again until one day I saw her again stocking wine at a new grocery store for a grand opening.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I see no purpose for Mary Kay make-up products or any kind of make-up product.

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  • RainbowDischarge

    Their make up is shitty!

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    • RoseIsabella

      I know that's right! I went to one of their lame ass parties when I was about 19 or 20 to help out a friend of a friend, and walked out looking like a clown. The makeup counter at Macy's is where it's at cause I've got all the major cosmetics companies there for me in one place.

      I also had another incident in my early twenties where someone was trying to recruit me to do some supposed face modeling. I was invited to some kinda seminar with a bunch of Mary Kay executives and I had to sit through these speakers who sounded quasi religious and cult like which freaked me out so I had to just get the hell out of there.

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      • RainbowDischarge

        Good thing you got outta there lol! Is it just me or do the sales women at the Macys makeup counters intimidate you?!

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        • RoseIsabella

          No, I'm reasonably comfortable around them, but sure some of them can come off as intimidating or snobbish. Of course there are rude, snobbish and intimidating women everywhere.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    please please the proper term is 'multi level marketing'

    much like jonestown heavens gate and scientology are 'alternative life philosophies'

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  • Millybyh

    More like younique. Your stuff is shit and you're annoying. Your also so obviously being scammed hahaha

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  • HelloAgain

    They come into the store I work sometimes and insist upon giving me their business card. I nod politely and as soon as they leave, throw it in the trash. They are so utterly, revoltingly insincere.

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  • kelili

    We don't have Mary Kay here :-/

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  • dirtybirdy

    Bill Hicks knew what was up.

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