Death and after wards. don't wanna die.

I hate when people say enjoy life now and deal with it when the time comes. Well thanks. Thats horrible to say can anybody say anything to me that will make me feel a bit better about it? I do try and tell myself it wont be the end and it is just an adventure..but I don't want to loose my loved ones. I don't want to be reincarnated into another person with another family I love my boyfriend way to much and every time I look at him now I think to myself one day we wont be together and it makes me sad. I don't want to be anything else! What if I become a whale? I just swim in the ocean forever fighting for my life and running from prey? Or wake up to be a spider live in Tim Hortons and then get crushed by a broom?! Why do we humans have it so good now and animals and bugs just have a horrible life. Death scares me. What if the earth blows up?? Do we have souls? Are we energy do we turn into a star? Are we particles floating in the air? Does it not freak you out that blind people cant see, that means their is the option of darkness it can happen...somebody say something about death that will cheer me up... I am a open person so I do not care about what your opinion is just please don't throw god in my face cuz that's a whole other topic LOL.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • SmushZeus

    How can you dream your brain will be gone and I'm 21 so if thats really young then yeah I guess I'm young. I just don't wanna die is all. I feel it sucks to be inlove with someone and say FOREVER but it really isn't.

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  • zchristian

    What calms me down is actually quiet simple i see it like this because we are alive now there is a chance to live again and that about loving your family friends or whoever wont matter since you wont remember a thing from the life you had once...

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  • SmushZeus

    I also just started working Midnights never see the sun anymore have anything to do with it? And I'm moving so I'm all stressed...but like why would that cause those thoughts I would still have them in the back of my mind...its just I can't stop thinking about it at all. Seriously.

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    • Who_Fan4Life

      I literally have the exact same problem. These night shifts are killing me. Ever since I've started it has thrown me out of whack!

      I swear some days I'll START my day at like, 2 or 3 in the morning because of the messed up sleep schedule.

      And the thought thing, I have the same problem. I don't know how to stop it :/

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  • Misslovelylove

    Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only transfer. :) That seems to calm me on good days when I think about this reality.

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  • zelit

    Death is probably the best thing to happen to a person. No pain. No hunger. No thirst. No need. Just pure being. Then you can dream anything you wish. And as you live out your perfect existence you will begin to yearn for things to be out of you control. Then you simply come back as what ever you wish to be. A fly on the wall, a dolphin in the deep blue sea, a new baby, or some form we could only dream of.

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  • com999

    You must be really young. As you get older you will come to terms with it. Many of my family members have died. It doesn'y seem that bad you just end up as your family will too. Plus, I dont think humans live better than animals. I'm sure my cat lives better than some starving and violence bombarded people in third world countries.

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  • SmushZeus

    And it's more along the line I am jealous and pissed off I am going to die, I like so many things in this human life I do now want to just be NOTHING like dirt or be an ant eating dirt.

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  • purplegirl22

    Everyone eventually dies. So if it makes you feel any better you aren't the first or last person to experience it. But the people that do experience aren't here to tell us about it haha

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  • anonymous170

    Dying is scary. I been feeling the same way for the last 5-6 mouths. I also can't sleep at night sometimes because of it.

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    • boogie592

      Dying I think shouldn't b scary, but we shouldn't really worry about. We should worry about living the rest of our lives to the fullest
      Best of luck!

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  • I've done this before, thought about it a whole lot and freaked myself out/got scared but I remind myself to take a deep breath.

    I always say to myself "In death I shall not be fearful and shall go onwards with my head held high". It usually works to calm myself down again because I can't change the fact I will die.

    What I can change is how I choose to deal with that fact.

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  • dillin

    Of course that's abnormal! Only PUSSIES fear the possibility of an endless nothing! PUSSY!!!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Fear of death is perfectly normal.
    Fear of the unknown is perfectly normal.
    It funds many aspects of the healthcare system, religion, and other various institutions in the business of prolonging life. It also funds things like tarot card reading and fortune telling. And some people DO stress over it, but stressing over it doesn't help you any. All you can do is try to stay healthy, encourage your friends and family to stay healthy and make good decisions but just remember that the world will continue spinning without you.

    Maybe your working graveyard shifts has something to do with it. Lack of sunlight can lead to a deficiency in Vitamin D, and when your system is out of whack and has yet to realign itself, it can lead to manifesting symptoms.

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