Define god

I'd like your interpretation of God. When someone says God, what or who do you think of? Is God a 'who' or 'what' to you? Maybe something else? Give it some thought. Try to define God as best you can in at least some detail.
If you comment, please try not to let other comments influence your ideas, as I'd like your own raw definition. It may work best if you post your comment before you read others.
Also, please don't criticize anyone, as it isn't an answer you can get wrong and it's counter-productive in understanding this aspect of a person. Feel free, however, to ask questions and offer input.
I appreciate everyone's opinion on this matter.

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Comments ( 37 )
  • RavenFlight

    My personal definition of "God"

    An idea which can be viewed as an individual or an energy that permeates existence, And in my personal view I'm not one following a particular religion, but if I were to describe one thing as god, it'd be everything, The universe, and its components, and even us! I define the god I follow as the universe itself. I'd go into more detail, But I'm already approaching the TL;DR post length, Have a nice day! :)

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  • I do not think any religion has ever been anywhere near correct and I believe religion is man made stories created either for control, or because someone was delusional or stories passed on and stupid people took them literal.

    At the same time I'm not atheist either, although I think atheism makes more since than most religion.

    I have a few ideas where the concept of God is based off of.

    First I believe there is a collective consciousness that we are all a part of. Our brains run off electromagnetic electricity which actually floats everywhere and I think this is where our thoughts come from and our brains are receptors for this energy. When we die our thoughts dissipate back into the collective.

    However this collective consciousness is likely an environmental part of the Earth and likely did not create the universe.

    So what did create the universe?

    Much of what humans believe about time is not true. I think the universe is cyclic and there is no beginning or end. Everything is and isn't. It's just a paradox.

    I could easily write a whole book on this stuff but will try to keep things as simply explained as I can, but there is so much to it that I cannot explain in less than 30 pages to where it makes sense.

    I also believe in a multiverse with infinite possibilities. Perhaps someone in another one created this universe? Does this make them God? Maybe the creator of this universe, but in their universe it could be a kid playing something like the sims.

    How did humans evolve so fast? This could be aliens, either from another planet or dimension manipulating our dna for experiments. There have been way too many reports of the greys for it to be coincidence.

    In a multiverse not everything will make sense the way it does here. Did you ever think that maybe believing something makes it real? When everything is and isn't that must be true... and false.

    The simplest definition of "God" is that God is everything, whatever that may be.

    This is not reality
    It's just what we perceive
    Now I'm you and now you're me
    Inside this strange dream
    There's no such thing as delusion
    When nothing's real
    It's all just an illusion
    That we can feel

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    • i HOPE MY DEFINITE OF GOD COMES AND AND KICKS MY ASS...i am so fucking horniNg&lt;&lt;&lt;i want to cum so fucking hard<<<

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      • Are you drunk?

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  • JustARandomNerd

    God is a metaphor for human morality.

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    • disthing

      Love the way you phrased that.

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    • EccentricWeird


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  • green_boogers

    There is sort of a harmony that pervades the universe.
    Life has evolved within this harmony. My best guess is that God is the unfolding inevitable processes of cosmology and life. Work, love, and discover. It's all you can do.

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  • ItDuz. That is all. ;)

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  • shuggy-chan

    What if god was one of us, just a bum like one of us

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I thought it was 'slob"?

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      • shuggy-chan

        idk it was the 90's and next even a good song honestly, im just surprised someone got the reference lol

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  • LizardSkin

    Jesus was God-made flesh, he is the image of God. God himself was/is not a physical being.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

    – John 1:1, 14

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  • iEatZombies_

    I believe that God is a living entity so massive in size and consciousness that it literally is immeasurable and we aren't even an atom on Earth in comparison.
    I must explain one point to make my next point. I believe that every single thing you do and don't see has a state of consciousness. Not that it can freely think, but that it is made up of thinking things that do their jobs in order to survive. I believe the cells in our bodies are aware they exist as well as protons, neutrons, etc. If those things are aware and they live in us, as well as we are aware they are there and are what make us up, then our galaxy, universe and onward must be aware of us. If the universe is aware of us, and I believe God is much more than several universes, then God is aware of us. Not only that, but we are a small role in keeping God going, just as an atom is a small role in shaping the Earth. With a slight difference. We are much smaller in comparison, we are freethinking, and God is more aware than us or the Earth.

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    • iEatZombies_

      This was my initial definition. After reading some other comments, I feel I should further explain my own view.
      I don't see God in a religious sense, having morals or a code to follow. I see God as a biological, unending body. Simply a mass. It doesn't make me feel safe, I just happen to feel reassured that my own atoms will be put to good use, forever. I also believe this is 'eternal life'. Our own bodies are made up of the materials found in stars. Which means we will live forever, even if our memories don't. We're recycled. Piece by piece. Simply floating off to make yet another piece of God. I see God as a name for what science is discovering. And it is beautiful.

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      • Pseodonihm

        You and I are very similar in our very limited comprehension of God

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  • Pseodonihm

    I believe in the Divine. Once there was Nothing. Then Everything came to be. That is the Divine. Change. Nothing surrounded Everything. Everything was just one thing. The opposite of Nothing. Then, the Divine again appeared. Everything began to fill the Nothing. What we call "the big bang". That is what created everything we know today. Everything we can perceive and all that is beyond our perception.

    What is God? God is the Divine. Everything and Nothing at the same "time".

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  • Wing

    God (Christianity) what made us,it cares,it answers us,it judges us,but lovingly.
    God (mine) what made us,it doesn't care,is doesn't answer,is judges us when we die but before tha tit could care less really and it also corilates with science,unlike the Christian god.

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  • This is's honestly what I believe, or would like to believe if someone made me choose. I haven't told anyone because they'd be like whaaa? But here it goes.

    I think there is a whole realm of deities that are so complex, so massive, we cannot possibly hope to understand them. I think each deity has their own little space in the universe that they "rule" over and have free realm to create what they want, but not directly create since they cannot act directly in our dimension. Each God has tendrils that intertwine everything, God is in science, in evolution, in all of the passive processes that take place in our world.

    That's pretty much everything. It could use some refining, but yeah!

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  • 1badassog&AA

    God is EVERYTHING! There is NOTHING else the rest is just an illusion!

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  • shaggy145

    God never existed and never will he just something that someone made up, to give people false hope and a clash of judgement

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  • Mikjall

    There are gods and goddesses. They do not care if you believe in them or not, but they do call people. You can exchange gifts and maintain kinship with them. This is just my personal experience here.

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  • coastal

    God is in 3 aspects:
    - The universe diversity (nature, different beautiful and even ugly forms, planets etc).
    - Higher spirit in the heart of every living being. This spirit accompanies every soul throughout the life and the next lives.
    - Personality that likes to play games in the spiritual world and in the material world.

    This is according to Vedic knowledge written in Bhagavad Gita as it is.

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  • werecat

    God's a normal flow of life not a he or a she just a it we are little bits of god the youniversis are god the earth is god every thing is god.

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  • jarkody

    I used to believe in Christianity but after a spiritual awakening I define god as the collective consciousness of all beings, all souls/spirits including every human. We are god as well as our higher selves or our souls. All of us are aspects of god and none of us are any greater or lesser than the other. We/god is eternal, full of love and is always evolving by constantly having new desires and preferences and eventually getting those things we desire no matter how big or small they may seem. There is nobody above us to judge us because we all are god. The spirit dimension is our home and there our souls are simultaneously while focused here on earth too. Without the part of your soul that is focused on earth the rest of god could not be and without the rest of god you could not be. Love and well being is at the foundation of our being and it's only temporarily here on earth that we stray away from that with our negativity. We always go back to pure, positive energy when we leave earth. Even Hitler went back to being his real self after his death. There are no exceptions. My two cents.

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  • Unimportant

    It is either an entity or a conscious energy (or both), in which people unjustifiably believe and through which they explain (and have explained for thousands of years) events and problems, for which we have no real, scientific explanation yet.

    Depending on whether these people hold a deistic or a theistic position, they believe that this entity/conscious energy loves them, listens to them, supervises them and/or intervenes in their daily lifes.

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  • KeddersPrincess


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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    Of course there's no evidence of anything supernatural by definition, and it therefore can't be proven. And there's never been any correctly conducted scientific examination that has elicited any evidence of God. People, converse to religious axiom, have created God as the ubermensch version of themselves. That is to say, the person one thinks one would be having omnipotent physical characteristics. The ideals of this object are a distillation of one's sociological environment, causing the similarities in god concepts among societies, culminating in organized religions.

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  • Anonnet

    I think God is the true origin of the universe. He is some actual entity that we can't interact with. Whether he's with us or not, we will never really know. I don't think he intervenes, interacts, or has any effect on anything that goes on down here, but ultimately I hope it's one of those questions that gets answered after I die.

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  • disthing

    God is an idea people cling to because it makes them feel safe, wanted and important.

    However, I think the origin of god(s) is an idiopathic sense in some humans that there is something more, something greater than ourselves. This feeling is interpreted by people as god. It's the feeling which is the foundation of faith, and something inherent, biological, which is why it cannot be rationalised away.

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  • howaminotmyself

    God is what you want it to be.

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  • Dot123

    I am God.

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  • Lamronba

    I don't believe in an omnipotent being with a grey beard but I do believe in some kind of energy that flows through everything. An energy that can't be measured but it can be felt. And it feels good.

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    • disthing

      Gandhi said of God:
      "There is an indefinable mysterious power that pervades everything, I feel it though I do not see it. It is this unseen power which makes itself felt and yet defies all proof, because it is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses. It transcends the senses."

      This sounds similar to what you think, too :)

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      • Pseodonihm

        Well said Gandhi

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      • Lamronba

        I never bothered to google who Gandhi is but I think I'd like him if his definition of god is similar to mine :)

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  • Dulse.

    I think of god as a universal oneness. An indivisible whole; all of us, one complex thing.

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