Delivering kittens to a petshop in a backpack

A little while ago my (now de-sexed) cat gave birth to about 6 kittens.

I couldn't keep all the kittens, so I called a local pet shop and asked, “Would you like some free kittens?” They said, "Yes, bring 'em down right away. We need kittens!"

The pet shop was in a large and busy shopping mall. I didn't have a cat cage to transport them so I put all the kittens in my small backpack. I left the zipper open a little so they could breathe ok.

As I was walking through the shopping mall with the backpack full of kittens, some of them were trying to escape and their little heads and claws were poking out of the bag. Two or 3 them actually escaped, so I had to chase down the catscapees all over the shopping mall and put them back in the backpack.

It was a little embarassing but also kind of funny. However, instead of fellow shoppers helping me herd the cats, they gave me really dirty looks and were rude to me. I did not think this method of cat transportation was dangerous or cruel, they had air etc. (but obviously a cat cage would have been better).

With the benefit of hindsight, I also find the whole episode INCREDIBLY FUNNY! IIN?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Did the cat give birth alone? Which is fine, just curious how you don't know the precise number of kittens...

    A pet shop in the mall?? Jeez. May as well have just put them in a gutter.

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    • What do you mean, "Did the cat give birth alone?" Do you think as pussy cat went into labour she should have been surrounded by all the father(s) of the kittens, plus me and a team of medical experts?

      As for being fuzzy on the exact number of kittens, it was a few years ago now and I didn't have birth certificates written out for each of them.

      "May as well have just put them in a gutter."
      No, I'm sure they all went to good homes from that high class pet shop. Besides, it was long before eating cats became fashionable in my city.

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      • dirtybirdy


        Ok then.


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  • Anonymous200

    Actually, it is quite dangerous. Imagine you were stuffed in a bag with a bunch of other people. Even if you had enough air to breathe, you wouldn't be happy. Add to that was the fact that these were babies! Poor kittens.

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    • Ok. Ok. I am just imagining myself stuffed in a bag with five other 8" long, soft and furry beings with whiskers. Sounds like fun, fun, fun and just a little bet sexy!

      If you took the time to read my post I left the zipper open so they could breathe properly.

      Really? Is it dangerous?

      Where did society go wrong that no one sat me down to talk about the dangers of kitty backpack transportation? I'm so remorseful now. I perpetrated a gross wrong against the pussy cat kingdom. I shall have to wear a hair shirt for a long time.

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  • Shrunk

    Interesting... That reminded me of Borat when he had the chicken in his suitcase and it escaped in the subway... Yeah that was pretty funny
    Also a few times I've had to carry my rabbit in a tote bag (not zipped all the way) because the fire alarms would go off randomly at our old apartment and i think we weren't supposed to have another pet or something

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    • Yes!

      Finally someone who gets it. :-) In hindsight it was frickin' hilarious.

      I'd never related the incident to that, but now you mention it, that is exactly the kind of humour I am talking about. I even look a little like Borat.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Kittens are people too!
    How would you like to be transported about it such a manner?

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      flown delta lately?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oh man, you got me there Brah. I dunno if the fly in cargo or in the cabin or not on Delta.

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    • People are kittens too.

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    • mmm... let me imagine for a moment I am a kitten (rubs whiskers, licks paws) 'Stay home, or go on my first backpacking adventure? I choose adventure. Meow'

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  • westoptic

    1) Neglect to spay your animal and avoid them getting pregnant in the first place when you didn't want to keep the kittens.
    2) Dump the kittens in one of the worst places you could.
    3) Stuff 6 small baby animals into a backpack because you think it's funny.

    Why do people like you have animals....why....

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    • 1) guilty as charged (now fixed)

      2) No, I can think of much worse places than a pet shop. I'm sure they all went to decent homes from the pet shop. Dumping them in the worst place I could think of would be putting them in a hessian sack and dropping them into the water off a bridge. (I would never do that of course, as I love animals, but I have heard of cruel / sadistic people doing it.)

      3) No, not because it was funny, because it was necessary and I had no cat cage. It was definitely very funny in hindsight. A story to tell the grandkids.

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      • westoptic

        Pet shops profit from puppy and kitten mills. By providing them with more "products" to sell they acquired more money and therefore are able to continue to perpetuate the cycle. You basically gave them free money which they used to replace the kittens of yours that they sold with more kittens from their stock breeders. Definitely not the worse thing you could have done, but definitely not the best either.

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  • Dot123

    That is dangerous but if they have enough air and space it can be fine just for quick/short periods. Next time try investing in a proper cat cage.

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  • Shroot

    I don't really understand what you are asking us.

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    • Perhaps you should learn to read more thoroughly grasshopper.

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  • regisphilbin

    That's dangerous! What if when one if the kittens escaped someone stepped on it?

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    • What if aliens teleported into the mall in their spaceship and shot their laser guns at the kittens?

      Except when the aliens shoot the kittens, it turns out the kittens are not really kittens, they are actually dinosaurs in the shape of kittens from 165 million years ago!

      When the aliens' laser beam strikes the kittens it mutates the kitten DNA, and the kittens turn into a mutant form of feral cats and T-Rex. Felis silvestris catus T-Rexus.

      The kitten monsters go crazy and start tearing up the place and eating people. It's all over the news and the internet. It even makes it to IIN. The army, navy, air force and SEALS are called in. Except none of them can defeat the kittens.

      Any surviving humans turn into zombies. The aliens take ownership of Earth and change its name to Shabooroomanakesha. The End.

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