Democratic party is screwed for 2020

Howard Schultz is running as a independent, the Democratic Party is fractured with identity politics and there seems to be no strong front runner for the Democrats. Any chance to defeat Trump 2020?

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71% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    drugs are for losers

    politics are for astronomically bigger losers

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  • CozmoWank

    I am no Trump fan but if anyone can fuck up an election and loose to Donald Trump a second time it would be the democrats. They'll pick some left wing extremist who only appeals to solar powered Prius driving, vegan, communist, homosexual unicorn farmers who are in favor of giving criminals hugs instead of jail time.

    Either way it's a loose loose for me.

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  • I can actually vote in 2020! Stoked!

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  • Nikclaire


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  • McBean

    Elizabeth Warren is the closest to centrist that the democrats have got. Pelosi is too old to run. Looks like another 4 years of Trump. Pain is becoming the keynote feature of politics in America. Relax, it hurts.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    The Democrats don't have a frontrunner which at this time is scary. There are so many moderates that despise Trump but would never vote alt left.

    The Democrats need a centrist that can fight back against Trump in debates (assuming he is alive, not imprisoned, and wanting to run in 2020).

    Joe Biden is a household name and isn't a pussy and could grab the required swing states. Middle class white people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Florida that voted for Trump in '16 need to vote Democrat in '20

    Beto O'Rourke's name gets thrown around a lot but he can't even win an easy election. He is appealing to many moderates for challenging Pelosi though.

    Howard Schultz could pull votes from the Democrats if their candidate is ultra left leaning. He could pull votes away from Trump also.

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    • Joe Biden creeps me out tbh, swings on that creeper side for me. I don’t have a lot of evidence, but like...

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  • Yawn

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