Depression question

I know I have depression but I really hate taking medicine. There are A LOT of side effects that go along with them and I feel like they change my personality and ever since I've taken one I have had this random twitching in my legs. When I told my doctor they said that was a common side effect and switched me to a different one where I was actually having delusions and shit. So I just told them I wanted to be off it for good. I still have twitches because of that shit. I don't have delusions. But point is I NEED to get over my depression but I am so scared of taking a medicine that could ultimately make my situation worse or add on other health problems.

I feel like the things I don't like about myself I can try to change and then maybe I won't be so depressed..IIN?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • neonclam

    Alter your brain chemistry through exercise and nutrition. Depressing thoughts seem like the cause but they're only a symptom.

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    • Eating healthy is hard when you don't have a lot of money. Its just an endless cycle.

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  • thegypsysailor

    The meds aren't going to get you over your depression, they are only going to mask the symptoms so you can function more easily.
    Once you have some idea of where your problems lie, and this is where the therapists can be of help, then you can make the changes necessary to get over your depression. But it's up to you and only you to take the steps necessary to end your depression.

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    • It is mainly due to things that have happened in the past so its hard but certain things I think will help may be to continue my education and stuff. I'm taking college classes now so fingers crossed this works. But idk its just hard you know?

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  • Goodfella37

    When I had a very bad episode of depression 3 years ago due to a lot of personal problems but mainly due to work. I had to go to my GP because I just felt so incredibly low and just couldn't cope with anything or function normally and just wanted to be left alone. He put me on an anti-depressant called Citalopram. Omg! Within 24 hours of taking the first one it felt like I had been hit by something HARD! It felt like the strength in myself was draining away from me, I was suffering from dark moods, for the first 3-5 days I cried a lot, didn't want to talk to anyone and had mild anxiety attacks where I just felt like I was overcome by a black force, tearfulness and had the feeling in my belly that someone was tying endless knots in it so had to rush to the loo. After about a week the really bad symptoms which initially hit me were subsiding and so I felt less under the influences of a dark force, don't get get me wrong I still felt groggy and quite upset but I felt like the turbulent state of mind I was in was slowly settling down. I still felt like crying but not as often as initially.

    These were increasingly difficult times in my life at the time and memories that are painful but I managed to take a months' supply of Citalopram and decided to slowly come off them. Made the right choice as had no choice but to go back to work and tough it out which in turn made me feel a bit better. Have had further episodes of depression but have learnt to manage it without anti-depressants.

    Good luck and all the best to you x

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    • Yea ive been coping well off those meds. I hear they work wonders for some people but i guess certain people like you and me they are the opposite.

      I was actually reading that they're finding new studies saying that depression is not where they thought it was located in the brain but could be another part of the brain (hypocampus) or something like that- Instead of the hormone reuptake part.

      so idk.

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      • Goodfella37

        Hey good for you for coping well off the meds! You're so right that that they work for some yet for people like for yourself and I they have the opposite effects. It shows that we aren't dependent on anti-depressants if we can control our symptoms and how to deal with days when we feel depressed.

        That's really interesting what you said about reading new studies saying that depression isn't where they thought it was located/triggered in the brain. The brain is definitely a complicated instrument for sure! But one thing is for sure we all suffer from depression for all manner of reasons or events in our life. The one thing that makes me so angry and upset at times is the complete lack of understanding of some people when they ask how you're feeling and you reply with "I'm feeling depressed!" And they say "What have you got to be depressed about?" Or "It's all in your head" gets me fuming! I know I should ignore that type of comment but I guess we're all different. Do you know what I mean?

        Keep up the good work off the meds! :-)

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  • bluegreenpink

    Run! Running is the answer to 99% of the my problems - its boost mood, helps skin, transforms your body, gives you a better sense of personal achievment, introduces you to new people (if you start madly shouting hi! in peoples faces as you pass them that is). The other 1% err probably some sort career change/ change in diet/ check your hormones!!!!. Or take wellbutrin- i sometimes take 150 mg occasionally and it gives me some a nice warm boost without any side effects. Or smoke! Smoking weed makes everything happy and nice :D

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  • Holzman_67

    "A pill to make you numb a pill to make you dumb a pill to make you anybody else but all the drugs in this world won't save you from yourself."

    I'm the same man I have depression but refuse to take the medication as it just makes me feel emotionless, which freaks me out I feel like I lose my personality in the process. It's an identity issue for me. Plus I hate the thought of having to swallow drugs everyday just to function.

    What I'm doing is eating better, exercising more regularly and focusing on improving my sleeping patterns. I also see a psych once a week and really focus on the positives however much o can. It doesn't work completely but it certainly helps. Good luck

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