Describing a flower

So, recently a friend of mine asked me to help them with a homework assignment on how to describe a flower, for she didn't know how to start it. I then wrote a small descriptive paragraph thinking that it was okay, but nothing more. When I gave it to my friend, she freaked out and told me that it was really good, but I have a hard time believing her and I feel that she might just be being nice. So, below you'll find the entry, and I would like you to be honest about how you feel about it.

You’re one thousand feet in the air. What do you see? Maybe nothing more than a fuzzy outline of the Earth’s surface. Zoom in a little bit. Now what do you see? Maybe more distinguished plots of land? Zoom in a little bit more, now. What do your eyes see this time? Houses, lots of houses. Now keep going, keep zooming in until you hit the floor. What do you see now? I see a flower. But just one. It’s a lonely flower, a flower with no friends, no companions, not even one more of its kind. The gentle breeze tickles the flower, making it dance and squirm. The bright pink leaves of this plant ripple gently through the on coming wind, causing its pollen to be shaken from the flower. The fine yellow dust floats down the bottom most petals and then proceeds to trickle onto the floor. Even in times of desperation, the flower remains, strong and steady. The thick green stem stands sturdy despite the lousy wind. This flower may be singular, but that makes it even more incredible. What kind of flower is this, you may ask? Honestly, I don’t know. But what I do know is that it’s beautiful.

It's beautiful. 37
It's okay. 20
It's terrible. 6
She was just being nice. 4
(other add comment) 1
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Comments ( 12 )
  • yesnomaybeso

    I liked it :)

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    • justanordinarygirl

      Thank you :)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    There are over 9000 ways to describe a flower.

    I like this one the best so far.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I like it. As I read it, I actually visualized all that zooming and, well, I got a bit dizzy.

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  • dirtybirdy

    well...1000 feet isn't very high...what grade was this for?

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    • justanordinarygirl

      Ninth or tenth, I believe. I guess I didn't put too much thought into the height, my bad :b

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    What the fuck.

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  • This is why the educational system (at least in the U.S.A.)is shot to FUCKIN HELL!!!! I just hope the same isn't true in other parts of the world.What kind of BULLSHIT ASSIGNMENT was this,and what was it supposed to prove or teach?Jesus Christ,I hope this was'nt a FUCKIN COLLEGE COURSE!..,.FUCKIN KINDERGARDEN BULLSHIT!

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    • justanordinarygirl

      It wasn't a college course. She's in high school and this was a writing exercise, not an assignment worth two hundred points. It teaches students how to describe and explain things using writing, so it isn't useless, seeing as it will help her and other students strengthen their writing skills. And given your poor grammar and improper use of capitalization, you have no right to insult the educational system in the U.S. If you're going to insult someone based off of their intelligence level, the least you can do is make sure that your comment or insult is grammatically correct.

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    • wigsplitz

      That's a little harsh!

      We had an assignment once that was to write instructions on how to make a PB&&J sandwich. It sounds fucking simple on the surface but try to do it!! It was hard. The lesson was communication and that things aren't as simple as they seem, different people see things differently. 80% of people failed to instruct to even take the lid off the PB jar.

      Ever see a movie called 'The Gods Must Be Crazy'? You should watch that. It's a comedy but it really does show a different perception of what we see as ordinary, simple crap.

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    • luckybubble

      Most likely it wasn't a college course. So I wouldn't judge his work too harshly, maybe she was in a literature class and it was just an exercise. We don't know the surrounding details.
      Although I must admit, I do agree with what you're saying, it's just a bit harsh.
      To me however, its obvious that someone in higher education wouldn't be submitting work like that (at least we would hope).

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  • Energy

    Lmao "danced and squirmed" XD...

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