Destroying my body
Hey y'all I ain't have much money so I been sleeping on the couch. But I have a bad shoulder, and torn rotator cuff injury from the past and it's all coming back to me since sleeping on this couch. My lower backs giving out every day, my chest feels like its been ripped into. My neck is killing me but I can't get up and move around cause my legs are no good. I can't sit cause of my knees. So I sit up on the couch using the laptop and upper body in my back is dying from it and hands hurt typing cause I have torn membrane in my wrist. And it just feels like I can't do anything no matter what I am in extereme pain. I want to get an air matress next month to help let my back heal up. But I still have to lean over to use the computer to keep myself stimulated at least and I can barely do that. Any suggestions? I am waiting on a wheel chair delivery but till then I can't do anything. It has been a month all ready and it's just made everything ten times worst.
I cant use the computer in front of me cause I can't see, can't afford glasses.