Did everything and everyone smell of cigarette smoke back in the 60s-70s?

My girlfriend can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. The smell of it makes her vomit. ( True story ) We had a discussion about it, and I told her that she should be glad she doesn't live in the 1960s, when probably everyone and everything smelled like cigarette smoke. Is this true though? Did everthing smell like cigarettes back then?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Meowypowers

    Yeah probably. If television is accurate.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    When I was growing up in the 90s my mom smoked and every restaurant had a smoking section so you smelt smoke everywhere. But you got used to it. It wasnt that bad.

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  • Tommythecaty

    No retard.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Probably mostly but not everywhere or everyone. I can't stand the smell it actually burns my eyes too probably because it's made from toxic chemicals including rat poison

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  • Boojum

    Neither of my parents smoked, so the house I grew up didn't smell of tobacco.

    My grandmother did smoke though, and thinking about it now, I find it interesting how I don't recall that bothering me at the time.

    The sense of smell is odd, and it's peculiar how some people have very strong positive and negative reactions to certain odours. There is nothing inherently disgusting about the smell of tobacco smoke. If there were, nobody would ever have smoked tobacco.

    I obviously have no idea where your girlfriend picked up her overdramatic reaction to the smell of burning tobacco, but she learned it from somewhere. And, if she'd been born much earlier than she was, it's almost certain she would have learned to accept the odour as just a part of life.

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  • olderdude-xx

    A large number of people and the majority of public places smelled of tobacco smoke.

    But, not everyone and everyplace.

    The house I grew up in and a number of friends houses did not have smokers in them.

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  • LloydAsher

    Am I the only 20 something who doesnt care for a place smelling of cigarette smoke?

    My grandpa smoked and took us to alot of old places that had ingrained cigarette smoke. So I guess I paired the smells together.

    That being said I dont appreciate having smoke blown in my face.

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  • wigz

    Yes, pretty much. A majority of my home furnishings are from the 50s to the 80s, and most of it reeks of smoke. You could smoke everywhere back then, too. I smoke but not in my house! I can't stand that.

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    I wouldn't say everything but the airplanes, hotel rooms and bars sure did. It was sickening.

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