Did my friend actually turn gay or were they born gay?

Did my friend become gay or was she born gay?

My friend was never attracted to women. She only ever dated men.. she seemed really attracted to them from what I saw too but then she dated two men recently, one cheated on her so she left him and the other most recent physically assaulted her several times. Since then she didn't date for a year and a half but then out of nowhere she tells us (me and her other friends) that she's a lesbian

We were so confused because she only ever had crushes on men and when we asked her she said she knows she's still attracted to men but she would never date a man again and said she experimented with a woman for the first time when she had a mental breakdown just to see what it would be like and she said it wasn't so bad and that she decided that she didn't want to date men ever again and that she is a lesbian.

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Comments ( 24 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    "she experimented with a woman after she had a mental breakdown just to see what it would be like and she said it wasn't so bad".

    I'm hetero but I would never describe sex with a woman as "It wasn't so bad". That describes it as being less than enjoyable, more like tolerable.

    I think she's confused.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Aye exactly, when I tried it once my thoughts were there's some aspects that were rather enjoyable. Wich only left me more confused lol

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Yeah to say "it wasn't so bad" is how I would describe eating broccoli or getting dental work.

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  • Menacingduck

    You can't just turn gay.

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    • Somenormie

      Unless someone got a wand and magically turned them into gay which BTW does not work like that.

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      • LloydAsher

        Or they are in a desperate situation like being in prison. Get guys desperite enough and you'll see how quickly they can turn gay.

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        • Menacingduck

          They didn't necessarily "turn gay".

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          • LloydAsher

            What is turn gay then?

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            • malaparte

              Many dudes in jail actually fantasize about women when they fuck another guy. This kind of "homosexuality" is largely situational.

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            • Menacingduck

              Something that can't happen. You have to be born gay. You can't just "turn gay".

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      • Menacingduck

        No shit.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I’d worry less about which label she’s using and more about being supportive as she recovers from her traumas and figures herself out.

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  • Solarith


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Shes being a drama queen

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    Hah! How does one "turn gay"? Is that like a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly? No, it don't work like tgat honey. You're either str8, bi, or gay which can manifest themselves in phases. Some people go back and forth in their preference but they're the same person.

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  • Rocknrolla81

    Maybe she’s just bi? I have a “lesbian “ friend but we sometimes hook up and I’m a guy

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  • Tommythecaty


    Sexuality is one of the most fixed things about a human.

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    • LloydAsher

      That and what sex you are

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  • coda

    This isn't as severe as what happened to your friend, but when I was a junior in high school, a guy that I really liked went out with me only to dump me the day after I gave him a "favor" he wanted. It really fucked up my perception of men, which made me become confused about my sexuality as well.

    The next time I dated someone was during my senior year of high school, and she was a girl. At the time, I had been identifying as asexual and biromantic. I really truly felt romantic attraction to her. I'm positive about that.

    The experience, however, did not change my attraction. Instead, my temporary aversion toward boys made me more aware of my attraction to girls. In hindsight, I was attracted to girls before the incident as well, but I failed to recognize it as attraction because I was in denial of my sexuality.

    It's been 8 years now. I've realized that I'm not asexual, but I simply have a sex-negative mindset based on what I experienced. I currently identify as bisexual, which I think is the most accurate label for me. I still have crushes on girls, I still have crushes on guys.

    Perhaps it's similar for your friend.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I think sexual orientaion is born and stuck. But trans is trendy in more places than not.

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  • Orphan

    It could be just her choice. So?

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    • So you choose to be lesbian?

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      • Orphan

        Me no but your friend just can't stand men no more and is only interested in finding solace in women because to her they are more trustworthy. And that's fine

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  • Clunk42

    Homosexuality is an issue of disposition. It can change just like any other disposition, to be rightly ordered or wrongly ordered. One is also born with set dispositions that can change. So it is not that one "becomes" a homosexual. Rather, their dispositions change that they feel inclined toward the same gender, and that can change back, of course. The same is true if one is born with an inclination toward the same gender; it can also change.

    So, in that way, she has "become" a lesbian in that her dispositions are such that she feels attracted to the same gender as herself, when she did not before. Before, she possessed a disposition of attraction toward the opposite gender, thus she wasn't a lesbian. So, yes, she did "become" a lesbian.

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