Did will smith do the right thing?

Was he right to bitch-slap Chris Rock at the oscars?

It was the right thing to do 23
It was wrong 36
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Comments ( 67 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Will Smith is a cuck.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • kikilizzo

    It was probably planned but if not, no.
    Pretty insane thing to do actually.
    Chris Rock makes jokes like that, it's his thing.
    Will Smith could've at least waited until later to sqare the guy up lol or said something about how he found the joke distasteful instead if he had to do something on stage.

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    • olderdude-xx

      This is the 2nd go around. The comedian was told prior to knock off "poor taste" and insulting jokes about his wife before.

      My wife, who has been trained on bullying for her school job announced in no uncertain terms that the joke was verbal bullying, especially as it was the 2nd time.. (see more about her comments and questions in my longer post on her response).

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      • kikilizzo

        He compared her to GI Jane right?
        I wouldnt find that insulting personally. That's kinda badass even. I would've understood it if he was comparing her to smeagol or something, since she has a condition that causes hairloss.
        Will Smith laughed at first... So either it was staged or he's whipped and she told him to do what he did lol or it's just very bizzare and he completely flipped and got pissed out of nowhere.

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        • olderdude-xx

          Watch the video closely. Will Smith looked at his wife's reaction... and then it hit him that the joke was about her health issue...

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  • Tommythecaty

    He was laughing his ass off at the joke until his wife frowned, he’s like any other white knight dildo.

    Gives that stupid ass speech after and everyone cheers like it’s inspirational, what a bunch of twats.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      Exactly, he laughed at the joke, early. Then he had to become Black...

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      • olderdude-xx

        Watch the video closely. Will Smith looked at his wife's reaction... and then it hit him that the joke was about her health issue...

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    • RoseIsabella

      She has him under mind control.

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  • olderdude-xx

    What the released video of the event does not tell is that there is a background between these two on this.

    1st Will Smith and his wife have an open marriage. They have discussed this publicly, including that they talk all the time about the other partners (there are no secrets).

    It's their right to have an open marriage - as marriage is based on a lot more than just sex.

    This "comedian" has publicly insulted his wife before - just not to her face when she was present; and my understanding is that Will Smith let him know that was not acceptable and not do it again.

    Now he did it with a highly offensive joke while she was there in person.

    At some point spouses (or SO's) will immediately act to defend their spouse (or SO). That is human nature. Will Smiths reaction is quite understandable and actually one of the most mild physical things he could have done (and in my younger days I would likely have left such a person laying on the ground with their wind knocked out of them).

    Reports are that they cleaned up the video released to the public; as Will Smith also used some profanity saying something along the lines of "keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth."

    It is unfortunate but true. Some people only learn if they experience pain or a physical assault. No amount of coddling and telling them that they were a "bad person" for doing something makes as much of a lesson as a physical hit or hard push.

    2nd time gets a different response than the 1st time.

    Who would really not have defended their spouse or SO?

    I'm quite sure that Will Smith's wife was instantly proud of her husband standing up for her.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Will Smith will let you fuck his wife but just don't joke about her hair?
    How chivalrous. What a dick.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What a cuck, that poor Will Smith. Yeah, the main thing I came away from this with is a greater respect for Chris Rock, he took that smack like a man, held his ground, and continued to be the talented comedian he is!

      Although truth be told, I'm not a fan of Jada, and probably never will be.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        The whole family is fucked up.
        But yeah I lost whatever respect I had for Will Smith and gained respect for Chris Rock. He took it and didn't wilt.

        PS- Imagine Hollyweirds reaction if Will Smith was a white actor who hauled off & slapped Chris Rock. Would he be allowed to stay for the remainder of the evening? Would he still be given an award? Would he ever again be allowed to attend another Oscar event?

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  • sweetone89

    Some things are not okay to joke about. As a pre-cancer survivor, who has been bald on my scalp, I know the stress that can cause.

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    • olderdude-xx

      and this is the 2nd time this comedian has insulted his wife in public.

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      • Holzman_67

        You do know that that is part of the trade don’t you? All comedy is critical and some humour works best through repetition. Let comedians do their jobs just like anyone else. It’s not meant to be taken seriously, it’s comedy! The greatest ability we harness is the ability to laugh at ourselves and if we can’t do that we have no hope

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        • olderdude-xx

          My wife looked at the video, and when told of the prior event announced that this was verbal bullying... and is really curious on why comedians seem to feel they have a license to do it, and why the comedian is not being investigated for his pattern of verbal assaults on Will Smith's wife.

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          • Holzman_67

            It’s Chris rock, are you serious? You’re obviously not familiar with his comedy or style of comedy. If she’s curious, there’s plenty out there, he’s quite late career now. Could help put it in context. Don’t lose your humour!

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            • olderdude-xx

              So just because people pay him for "shock" means that its OK that he bullies people.

              Got it! But, it's not OK in my book.

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  • randomperson1000000

    Unless it's self defense, I feel that violence is NEVER acceptable.

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    • LloydAsher

      As long as you keep a loose definition of self defense I can get behind that.

      Violence is somewhat acceptable. Nonviolent pacifism can be just as dangerous as actual violence. It's just the application is what we should be cautious of.

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      • randomperson1000000

        Violence is NEVER acceptable, unless someone is about to take your life.

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        • LloydAsher

          Or preventing a deadly altercation in the first place. Violence is a tool and preferably not used first. Thankfully its rarely used first by any person or entity that has tact.

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  • LloydAsher

    People are dying by the thousands and this is what people are giving a crap about? Weird priorities guys.

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  • litelander8

    Do people really care? Fuck this whole world.

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  • raisinbran

    Is he in prison? This used to be considered assault.

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    • RoyyRogers

      Dont sit here acting like assult isnt something that happens and is ignored all the time. We let kids assult each other and sexually harrase each other in school all the time. Than we say "kids will be kids" and dismiss it even when kids are literally begging teachers to stop it. So there is several cases of what should be considered assult but society is like "if theres a reason to ignore it we will".

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    They have a million cameras rolling but have only released the classic fake movie slap angle they always use. It could go either way. Could be fake or real.

    Ive seen Will Smith do that a few times to people. In one video a french guy tries to kiss his cheek and he slapped him in the face and said "wtf this is America dude..."

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  • JustAHuman

    It was wrong for Smith to do that. But I kind of don't blame him.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It was wrong. It was an offensive joke though, and so they definitely had reason to be angry. I don't agree that someone should always have to laugh along at jokes like that, or else they're being too sensitive. But violence is never an appropriate reaction either. I still like Will Smith though, since he was just trying to defend his wife. I doubt he'd have reacted like that to a joke about himself.

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    • olderdude-xx

      It was also the 2nd time that this "comedian" had publicly insulted his wife (although the 1st time was not while she was in the crowd) - and reportedly had been warned by Will Smith about not doing it again.

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      • Ummitsstillme

        Was it not Okay for Chris Rock to roast them?

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        • Sunshinegirl

          Chris Rock was roasting them both Wil and Jada because both are celebs and movie stars.
          Wil's wife is not some anonymous private citizen,

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      • Ummitsstillme

        There is no such thing as an in apropriate joke. Black man gonna black.

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    • jackstormwater

      I should hope he wouldn’t have reacted that way to a joke about himself. This was already cringe, but talk about epic cringe…

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  • jethro

    Nothing's going to happen over it. And it was wrong.

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  • Sunshinegirl

    Wil Smith is a bitch.

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  • jodi1955

    who in the hell cares?? if it was not on the news or social media that will did it, I would never of known the stupid oscar took place.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Will was merely defending a family member which is a natural reaction. I would have done exactly the same.

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    • LloydAsher

      It was a joke. Even if it wasnt an insult doesnt make it right to hit someone. This isnt 2nd grade.

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  • Somenormie

    Yes what he did was wrong.

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  • olderdude-xx

    My wife has a different view that I do on a lot of things.

    So I told her about the event, and that this was the 2nd time this comedian had told a "poor taste" joke about Wil Smith's wife.

    A bit of time on the internet and she pronounced: "That's verbal bullying" and then stated that bullies never change until they face real consequences.

    She thinks Will Smith did exactly the right thing.

    I note that she has had to attend training classes on bullying for her school job.

    Further discussion brought out a few more questions.

    What's the difference between a "poor taste" joke and bullying, especially if there is a repeat event. None as virtually all bullies start by verbally taunting their victim.

    Why is Will Smith being investigated for his response defending his wife (after the prior event verbal warning did not affect the "comedian") and no one is investigating the comedian for his pattern of verbal assaults on Will Smith's wife?

    As my wife says... Bullying only gets worse until the bully is held responsible, and it's best if they understand that a large number of people do not approve of their actions.

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    • jackstormwater

      What Will Smith did is a crime. What Chris Rick did isn’t a crime.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Are you sure about that. People are being prosecuted these days for verbal bullying. Tragically, most often after someone commits suicide (or attempts it).

        Here is an article that explains it:


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        • jackstormwater

          The police asked if Chris Rock wanted to press charges. They didn’t ask if Will Smith wanted to press charges.

          You find me an example of a person in the United States being prosecuted for making a joke about a person’s physical appearance.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      Boojem you respect free speech all the time?

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  • Holzman_67

    Absolutely not. He laughed and only reacted how he did when he realised his wife wasn’t laughing. So that renders his explanation within the apology to rock (which was probably written by his publicist) as null and void.

    Then he gets onstage and in front of a world audience physically attacks a COMEDIAN then launches a verbal tirade of abuse. 10 minutes later he’s receiving an award and a standing ovation. He shouldn’t have even been in the building!

    Now imagine for a second had he been a white actor, no one would be saying “but his wife has been very public about her condition..” the world would be on fire, there’d be universal condemnation and protests in the streets!

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  • jackstormwater

    First of all, Will Smith used to make jokes about his Uncle Phil being bald all the time.

    Second of all, his wife shaved her head as a fashion statement. She’s a multimillionaire. She could afford the best wig in the world. So it’s not making fun of her disease. It’s more like making fun of her sense of fashion. It’s like making a joke about a guy’s ponytail or man bun or whatever.

    Will Smith felt emasculated because his wife was with other men, so this was his way of trying to feel like a man again. There was nothing honorable about what he did.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Jada Smith did not cut her hair as a fashion statement. She has a medical condition (alopecia) that causes hair loss and uneven hair growth (this has been well known and in the public for a long time).

      She cut her hair as that was the only way it looked good; and has been wearing it that way for a while.

      There is no reason for her to wear a wig to satisfy someone else's ego. No one was offended by her look.

      Making jokes about someone's medical condition is in very poor taste, at best. I am sure that the Academy Awards did not hire the comedian to make such jokes.

      Making it worse is that this is not the 1st time this comedian has made a very poor taste joke about Jada Smith, and my understanding is that Will Smith warned him before about such jokes.

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      • jackstormwater

        Wear a wig to satisfy someone else’s ego? Seriously? How about wear a wig to satisfy her own ego? Oh wait, that’s right, she had no desire to wear a wig, she’d rather just shave her head. That’s a fashion choice. She could have just left her head patchy bald but she made a fashion choice to shave it. We all have to work with what we’ve got. Don’t think she didn’t consider her options and what she thought would look best. It’s obvious she cares about her appearance, otherwise she wouldn’t have been annoyed by the joke, and she wouldn’t have bothered to shave her head.

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        • RoyyRogers

          So you are basucally saying anyone who doenst wear a wig who has medical problems cuasing them to lose it should be mocked. Since thats what they deserve and if they do not wear a wig to please the masses they deserve being made fun of. Do you purposely go to cancer patient wards and mock them for being bald? You kind of sound like a disgusting asshole. Thats not even for or against the reaction. Just your justification for mocking people for having medical problems is kind of fucked up. You judgemental abelist prick.

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          • jackstormwater

            First of all Chris Rock never mocked her. He made a joke about her looking like someone else/a fictional character. That, by definition, isn’t even an insulting joke. I have a neighbor who looks like Santa Claus and we joke about it. Everyone loves Santa. G.I. Jane was a badass, wasn’t she?

            Second of all, Will’s wife doesn’t have cancer. She doesn’t have a terminal/life-threatening/disabling illness (Ableist? Seriously?). She’s bald. That’s it.

            Third of all, these are celebrities voluntarily attending an event where this sort of roasting comedy is expected. They are public figures. They are millionaires. They are used to the spotlight as well as the public criticism and ridicule that comes with it. And then they go and sit in the front row which is just asking for it. These are not typical people on the street in a day to day setting.

            That is all.

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            • RoyyRogers

              Oh, so you did not understand the joke. Makes sense you would defend it when it clearly went over your head. So I guess I will explain what you missed. GI Jane is a character from military movie where she shaved her head to prove a piont. The reason it might be offensive to someone who loses hair due to medical issues and is considered cruel. Since you are mocking thier illness and what it did to them. He did not say GI Jame since he thought she was like the character. He is saying she looks like GI Jane becuase of her shaved head. I giess not everyone is going to understand every joke. So hope this clears up your ignorance. Jada has a medical problems which is cuasing her to lose hair and mocking it is a reminder of it.

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      • Ummitsstillme

        It was a great joke. It was a horrific move.

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    • RoyyRogers

      Why would mocking his wifes bald head make him feel emasculated?

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      • jackstormwater

        Because mocking your wife about anything can make you feel emasculated if you don’t “stand up” for her.

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