Did you ever wanted to try hallucinogens?

I'm kinda fascinated by DMT recently and always was by magic mushrooms and LSD. I feel like it gets less stigmatized recently but still wanted to know opinions/perspective from others in here.

I do believe, that if you are mentally healthy and have a good setting & setup + intention, it can be very eye-opening experience (especially liking the DMT).

Yes, but I'm scared 5
No, but I'm not judging 3
Yes, I want to try 1
Yes and I already did 4
No, you junkie 5
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I did LSD twice when I was about 21.

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    • 555

      And how was the experience?

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      • RoseIsabella

        It was alright, but it's been more than 30 years so my memory of the event might not be as sharp.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I actually recommend it for almost everyone to try atleast once in their lifetime. You gain such a different perspective on things but unfortunately forget all the knowledge a few days later.

    Just dont try to explain what happened when you do trip because you'll just sound schizo. Ive been around ppl who tripped a lot and they were talking how a big cloud of love took them and showed them the way and just sounds mentally ill.

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  • ospry

    I've wanted to but I'm always paranoid about a random drug test or my employer finding out some other way that I've used elicit substances

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    • Isn't it your decision if you do it in your free time? If you are not the cop or in the army (or other work where you can't do it even in your free time)

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      • ospry

        It's a blurry line, because in most positions nobody would really care if you went drinking the night before or if you had Valium or Xanax prescribed to you and took that. Cannabis gets a little bit murky in the US because federally it's illegal and states have legalized or neglected to legalize it to varying degrees. If something like shrooms or LSD was found in your system, you'd most likely get fired not necessarily for having consumed them, but merely for having had them in your possession at some point, which is illegal

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