Did you feel any side effects with covid vaccine?

I have severe dizziness and severe crippling exhaustion like you wouldn't believe. Did any of you have any side effects?

Yes 19
No 14
Didn't get it 10
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Comments ( 37 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah, I felt sick for about a day. I also got covid then a while after it, and felt sick for a couple days. So I'm glad I got the vaccine, I would've been really afraid if I hadn't.

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    • raisinbran

      “I got immunized. Then I caught the disease anyway. I’m glad I got immunized.”

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        You can still get sick with the vaccine but your chance of having severe Covid is near zero.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Haha, ok I see your point. Maybe I should've said instead "I'm glad I got the vaccine anyway though". But still, that sentence does make sense. I'm glad I got the vaccine cos I would've gotten the virus shortly after it regardless, and I may as well have gotten it while vaccinated than not. It was just like a regular cold with the vaccine, but I could've ended up in hospital without it.

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      • lol

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  • Grunewald

    Normal. The vaccine is doing its job if you get that. Your body's immune system is responding as it should: it's getting 'experience' fighting the vaccine so that it can fight this potentially deadly virus more easily if/when it has to, instead of being left unprepared with this strange new disease that's unlike anything it has ever come up against in its life, and that it has no idea how to deal with.

    For me, the drowsiness was like a wall. I slept for a day then the day after that I felt like you do in the aftermath of flu.

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    • raisinbran

      “The vaccine is doing its job if you get that.“ Right, destroying your immune system and organs.

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      • Grunewald

        My immune system and organs are fine, and so are my family's, thanks. 🧐

        Except my aunt's, who got long COVID before she had a chance to be vaccinated.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        It doesn't destroy anything lol

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  • bigbudchonger

    I developed autism and pooped my pants

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    • techpc

      No way! My symptoms were a little more complicated.

      At first, I felt drowsy, then I felt an overwhelming urge to vote for Biden. After that, I couldn't help myself from purchasing every Microsoft product in sight.

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      • raisinbran

        I felt an urge to buy Pfizer stock.

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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  • dumbofunko

    I had arm soreness like you wouldnt believe and a headache, lasted for 1 day.

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  • Ellenna

    I had absolutely no side effects from either dose of Astra Zenecha

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  • SkullsNRoses

    My arm was a bit sore for 2.5 days and I was a bit sleepy but that was it.

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  • Tommythecaty

    A bit tired for a day or two on the first one.

    None on the second.

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  • BleedingPain

    Had intense hotflashes (fever included) plus body aches and soreness for about 24 hrs, 18 hrs after receiving the shot. Nothing more, nothing less. This was for the second shot.

    First one i felt nothing

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  • EnglishLad

    1st dose (AstraZeneca): Severe headaches, tiredness, painful muscles.

    2nd dose (AstraZeneca): Chronic fatigue, hives of breath, severe headaches again.

    3rd dose (Pfizer): Dead arm, nothing more.

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  • bbrown95

    My arm hurt for a few days, I got horrible sleep that night (kept tossing and turning, my mind refused to shut off, and I kept feeling really hot and uncomfortable no matter what), and I felt as if I was coming down with a cold for the first few hours the day after. The same thing happened with both the first and second shots of Moderna.

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    • raisinbran

      It’s your body telling you something is terribly wrong.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Sore arm and general malaise.

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  • Grunewald

    I stress that I got this reaction after Pfizer jab 2 of 2 (after jab 1 my jabbed arm went numb around the jab site for a day or so and then that was it).

    As far as I'm aware, the strong drowsiness in reaction to jab 2 was the body recognising the 'dummy' from jab 1 and putting itself into 'safe mode'. I do know for a fact that a lot of 'feeling ill' is produced by your body reacting to the virus, rather than the virus itself attacking the body (so if you get a virus and are sick as a parrot for a few days and then suddenly fine again, your body's immune system is healthy! On the other hand, if you get one of those mild, lingering colds that sticks around for weeks...). My aunt and godmother is a senior NHS nurse. She has suffered horribly with 'long COVID' for about a year and will probably never be able to work full time again because she has so little physical strength.

    I know that a lot of vaccines work by giving your immune system a 'dummy' bug to practice reacting to in the way Pfizer and AstraZeneca do.

    I think the J&J jab uses slightly different technology. Has anyone had this one and can they comment on the side effects?

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I felt mildly flu-like for a couple days. Spent the majority of the following day sleeping.

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  • RoyyRogers

    My leg went entirely numb for two straight days.

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    • dumbofunko

      Thats scary dude a friend of a friends of mine got completely paralyzed in the legs after the vaccine and still cant walk

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  • jethro

    I felt tyranny and loss of my freedoms.

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  • Loads of people have gotten bad side effects(usually temporary).

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    • I'm wondering if it's abnormal i still have side effects 72 hours after shot. Still have dizziness and severe fatigue.

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  • Somenormie

    Mine was a sore arm which was sore temporarily.

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  • megadriver

    Nope, I did feel a little warm afterwards but that's not uncommon for me.

    No side effects, no nothing. Guess Bill Gates spared no expense on those vaccine chips/ nanobots! XD

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    The first made me grow a penis. The second shot gave me erectile dysfunction. So I'd say yes I saw some side effects..

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  • SweetNLite

    I had no side effects other than my arm was a bit sore at the end of the day.

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  • 12345678912

    My libido went crazy after the first shot. Nothing after the second.

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  • Boojum

    My wife and I have had double AstraZenica shots. Both of us had slightly sore arms for a couple days, felt a bit grotty the day after and that was it.

    Our 13 year old daughter had her Pfizer jab recently. Her arm was a little sore the day after, and she was acting a bit spaced-out and groggy. We asked if she thought it might be due to the jab, and she gave us one of those teenage shrugs. Later on, she sheepishly admitted that she was probably just tired because she'd been reading a good book and hadn't got to sleep until around 1:30 AM.

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  • jodi1955

    the so called vaccine is not a regular vaccine it is gene therapy which is what was said first now they say it is not gene therapy. reason is gene therapy alters DNA and you can prosecute for it but if it is vaccine you cannot sue them. covid19 vaccine DOES alter your DNA that is why so many people have reverse reactions form it. dont take my word for it look it up!

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  • momgetthecamera

    I don't know what a vaccine is, never seen one

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