Did your parents put expectations on you?

Did your parents put expectations on you in the areas of school/grades and going to college?

Comment please!! Did you meet or exceed the expectations or did you struggle? Or did you lack any expectations and ended up either doing very well or very poorly? Did your parents discuss careers with you? Did they help you go to college or not? Where did you get any inspiration from to do well if your parents didn't motivate you or expect anything from you? If you lacked anything or anyone in your life that motivated you, what do you think may have motivated or inspired you?

I had expectations, I did well. 24
I had expectations, I did OK. 20
I had expectations, I did poorly. 9
No expectations, I did well though. 9
No expectations, I did OK. 6
No expectations, I did poorly. 2
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Melly

    My parents never put any expectations on me, other than to be a decent human being. They have always encouraged me to do what makes me happy.

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  • LOUi_CUDi

    all parents do.

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  • dom180

    They expect me to do well, but they will support me in whatever I do, even if they don't agree. It can get pretty tiresome being bugged all the time by them, but I'm sure that having apathetic parents is worse.

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  • Orangepeelx

    My parents think that the career i want is silly and want me to be a scientist/doctor/Soldier etc. They think theatre means i wouldve wasted my life... I personally fancy going abroad and living there. Starting from the bottom working my way up :) only time will tell eh?

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  • DandyElfman

    Well for the most my parents thought I turn out to be shit. Now I turned out to be just that. I guess I succeeded.

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  • doomiedoom

    Yep, all parents do. If anything all my mom got was a wake up call in high school and then again when I started college.

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  • One_BAMF

    I was always pushed to do my best and never settle. It's worked well.

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  • FourAMandstillgoin

    Just the stereotypical asian expectations.

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  • dappled

    I wasn't aware of any expectations but my family is all about knocking people down, rather than encouraging them to do better. If I'd have failed, they'd have been happy that I hadn't moved beyond them. When I succeeded, they told me I was shit and I didn't deserve it, that I must have cheated somehow even though they knew that wasn't the case. It made them feel better, I guess. It's hard to live with a smartarse. Even harder being one if you know you are one. Everyone hates you!

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  • Dad never did but they divorced when I was 9. Mom was always the one encouraging me to go further, telling me that I was smarter than this.

    She never set a limit on what I could do or told me X was good enough; her constant message was that I was brilliant and that she would move heaven and earth for me (yeah :P)

    It worked wonders though. I graduated school early with a 4.3 and could have had a shot at Dartmouth if the art school hadn't rejected me.

    They offered to help with tuition but I refused.

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  • mateo

    i wish i had parents that gave a damn,they have never been in a position to take care of me,let alone push me to be something.their happy as long as i dont do meth

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Not expectations as such, just encouraged to do whatever I want.

    I am currently in college, for GCSEs I did OK (by my standards), two Cs and two Ds. Take that as you wish. =P

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    • joybird

      Is that in the UK?

      I've seen the past papers and would expect my son to get A's - but he gets A's in all his exams to date anyway.

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      • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

        Yes, I live in England.

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  • Well I haven't full reached this stage but my family puts a lot of pressure on me. They get in my ass when it comes to education. I know they expect great things from me and this is why its really rare that I will get anything below a B (I failed Business but I gave up on that class) even though I have shitty punctuality/attendance.

    I don't want to fail and not just because bad grades won't help me in want I to achieve in life but because I fear dissapointing them. I know they believe in me and so far I'm not doing too bad.

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