Difference between chemistry and anxiety?
You feel a lot of chemistry in a new relationship because you cant trust You feel a lot of chemistry because you fear losing them because you dont know if you can trust them
You get to know each other a lot and trust each other and the chemistry goes
People break up when it happens to find new chemistry
People chase after someone who can never give them everything and reject anyone who do
Guess what if the person they chase after is prepared to be everything they want and full loyalty then the person having chased it would lose interest
I thought about this in the shower
I met somebody who is wanting only me and no chemistry I realize I dont need to feel concern who is he really talking to so I feel no chemistry because I feel no anxious
People are horny for anxiety
Maybe I never felt chemistry with man only anxiety
I dontk know what is the difference
I wish relationships is easy you take the first person who love you and no more thought about it you have it over with
Movies tease me to chase for I want something that isnt real