Disliking the term baby mama or baby daddy

Just curious but I'm wondering if the term baby mama or baby daddy annoy anyone?
It's just one of those terms that bother me when people use it. I hated it so much in high school but now it's died down.

Yes 168
No 13
Not Really 28
Other (Comment) 6
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think it is... quite frankly, classless.

    Yes, I understand, I am being a pretentious asshole, but it sort of makes me sad that I hear more people referring to the parent of their children as baby Momma/baby Daddy rather than... I don't know, husband or wife? Maybe it's the conservative streak in me...

    Either way, I am not judging the people that use it because it is certainly more efficient to say than "Father of my child", however, to me, it sounds like a very classless term and it saddens me just a little bit that it has become such a popular term in our society...

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    • redneckgirl1507

      I hate when people go on and on about "class". The best person I know would probably be considered trailer trash. Ironically, these same people who think anyone they don't think are "classy" are the ones who constantly talk about how it's fine to do anything you want as long as it isn't obviously hurting anyone.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Maybe you need to re-read my statement, as I recognized how pretentious it sounded and I was referring to the "class" of the term itself.

        Some of my best friends would be considered "trailer trash" and I too could have been considered that at some point. Fuck, you're talking to a girl that spend a good deal of her life living in a trailer park in rural North Carolina. You don't need to tell me about class and the quality of a person. I know it just fine, thanks.

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        • redneckgirl1507

          Okay, I just didn't understand you.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            No it's fine. The term itself bothers me, but I don't have any negativity towards the people that use it... :D

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  • Shadoweyes

    Nay. I HATE the word 'Mommy' and 'daddy' more. I'd rather here children call them 'Mother' and 'Father'. NOT 'mommy'. The word 'mommy' alone makes me want to vomit.

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  • malkiot

    Wait... People actually say that? I'm 19 and yet I feel so old-fashioned at times.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I don't really care.

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  • Ixenkothar

    It annoys me too when I hear it. Some slang just isn't necessary. Does it take that much effort just to say Father or Mother or Parent?

    I'm fine with young children using the words "Mommy" and "Daddy" as they are just learning how to speak or when an adult is speaking/asking a question to a young child about their parents in a non-patronizing manner but when people get to be a certain age they could benefit by putting more effort into expanding their vocabulary. This is of course optional and one person's opinion and does not have to be done unless it is wanted.

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  • ihatenigga's

    I'm a baby mama and my partners a baby dada

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  • Valetion

    Black people say that, because they're too lazy to say "father" and "mother"

    And most of the time, they're yelling and talking so fast, that I'm surprised that anyone with an IQ higher than 60 can make any sense of what they're attempting to communicate.

    When I think of "baby daddy" I think of black people. When I think of black people, I think of Maury. When I think about Maury, I think about Jerry Springer. When I think about Jerry Springer, I think of black people again.

    And when I say "black people" I'm not talking about the ones with class. I'm talking about the buffoons who stereotype themselves based off tv to "connect" with their homies or w/e.


    Oh yeah. Don't forget to, y'know, pull your pants up OVER your ass and then get OFF the Maury show. Because you're going to start wearing CONDOMS and not fucking your cousins girl and having 5 fucking kids with 5 different women. Have some dignity and stop digging yourself a deeper hole.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I hate it when people call me a paki.

    You thick shit i am not a paki.

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