Disturbances in my vision and migraines

I gget disturbances in my vision sometimes like really bad severe ones but im pretyt sure I have some kind of migraine since I always get bad headache aftrwards, it hasnt happened often and started when I was 21 (I am now 24) it seems to be triggered by light. I need to have it dark around me when I feel it coming on and ive sort of learned to stop it by covering my eyes and taking deep breaths then turn out any strong lights and rest. When it does happen I get rainbow colors in on side of my vision and theyre all broken like leaking color and the rest of my vision is very blurry I even see these colors with my eyes closed when it happens there is no escaping them..It alwas starts with a blind spot in my vision or a black or white spot that resembles what you see if youve been staring into the sun. I just had it earlier I was looking out the window casually and its dark out now but my light is on of course and when I moved my head to go back to my laptop I got a black spot in vision and my head suddenly started aching a lot so I had to close my eyes and turn the light off. I have been suspecting a migraine is coming on because I just came off my period and it seems to often line up with that time of month, ive had an upset stomach and ive had a headache for a few days thats come and gone plus ive been sleeping poorly which is probably another trigger.
Ive never been to the doctor for this but I have been for my tension headaches that ive had often since I was 16ish and theyve never listened to me or taken me seriously and I dont get migraines often anyway though in the last year theyve been more frequent.

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Comments ( 7 )

    You need to tell your doctor about all this asap. It could be many things including a brain tumor.

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  • Zonfire80

    Go to the doctor just to make sure.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    You need to go see a doctor. It could be migraines, but I have epilepsy and have similar symptoms. I didn't find out I had it until I had eight grand mals without stopping and almost died. It could just be migraines, but if you need to see a neurologist it's not something to skip.

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    • Ohh my mom has been diagnosed epilepsy..

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  • Sounds like classic migraine (the disturbances in vision is called aura). If you want to go through the med route, the treatment is migraine preventatives plus migraine abortives. Migraine is treatable.

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    • Do you know if they work well?
      Ive heard its a lengthy process to confirm migraines I guess they dont prescribe anything without it though

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      • They do work but they need to be taken daily(preventatives), and you need to live with side effects too.

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