Dizziness and trouble urinating
Just about 10 minutes ago, I got up out of my chair and got a sudden hit of intense dizziness and feeling faint, and had to put my hand on the counter for support, and it lasted for about 10 seconds. And I still feel kinda off, like the same thing will happen again next time I get up. And, this has happened about 5 times in the past 2 days. My second symptom is this cold sweat that I'm feeling, but I'm not sure if it's a fever because my forehead doesn't feel really hot when I put my hand on it. My third symptom is I've suddenly been having trouble urinating in the past 2 days, even when not having gone in hours. Fourth symptom is that I feel noticably lower in energy than I felt previously. All four of these symptoms all came together a couple of days ago and haven't stopped since. I called my doctor but they have no appointments now til after Thanksgiving. So in the meantime, I'm just asking around if maybe one of you on here have ever experienced these particular symptoms that all came together, or if you've known anyone who's gotten these. Or if one of you may have a higher education in health than I've got, and may know what the combination of these 4 symptoms may mean