Do any of you agnostics agree?

Got your nose! Just kidding! Wouldn't you agree Christianity has lost its way? If Christians hate one Christian (you) in the church, is this enough evidence that Christianity isn't a faith? The corruption, rape, terrorism in the world, would there be anything better than to lose faith?

I would support the faith 21
I'm a Nazi of all Christians 0
Christianity has poisoned me inside 4
F#$% you dogs! We're anti-Christian and we're proud of it! 8
Christianity is not "healthy" 16
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Comments ( 16 )
  • mizeka

    Just because a person believes in God doesn't suddenly mean he isn't a human anymore.

    I believe in God and I try to live as He wants me to. BUT, I'm still just a human and vulnerable to temptations.

    And of course you will only hear about the bad stuff that Christians do. Why would media tell anything about our good deeds? News like that don't sell.

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    • Hooviva

      It's different now, because I had sex for real I know what this is, therefore I started enjoying it, and when I got solipsistic with a Chinese lady my dick was in her pussy. Even though I was bullshitting with her, "getting altruistic with her", I know what that means: I was getting sexy with her, even by sacrificing my money in the tips jar. I did altruism to attract her. It works, and by the way, I was outward and external with my altruism, besides Ayn Rand saying love is selfish, bullshit! Her husband left her, love is outward and external, your hand sticking out is like a dick!

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    • I never listened to the news as such, because I now tolerate the rationally irrational stuff or the rationally rational. Let us not fight, for the trees, the dogs, and the cows are your friends, you can change your outlook upon Christianity if you put your mind to it.

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  • Energy

    I met alot of Christian people who are very nice. Of course you hear more about the bad stuff rather than the good. Somehow, the bad always seem more intresting.

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    • I'm leaving, I'm not giving myself the satisfaction, feel free to comment on my old stuff, choose by random choice or any choice. However, Christianity isn't bad, it's just quite silly, it's not unintelligent, it is learned, but rejecting wisdom is silly. Make claims with your beloved religion, you can climb mountains and eat a 100% fruit bar with no sugar. You can drink wine, it's nice enough for a Christian, it has my mother's seal of approval!

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      • Energy

        Pardon? O_o

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  • bananaface

    You have to ask whether it's Christianity which causes this corruption etc. Or could it possibly be the person?

    I'm a atheist and although I do have a few problems with some religions, I believe that even if religion didn't exist these people would still find something to cause corruption.

    Religion does not force a person to act the way they do. If a person is so easily influenced that they believe that their "evil" acts are right, then regardless of religion there will always be something negative influencing them. Just it wouldn't be religion, something else.

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    • No it doesn't. Try snacking on roasted peanuts in the pods. Good and kind with the fat you need. Plus the butterflies love a religious person who's so good to the environment.

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      • bananaface

        Erm......I don't know what to say to that:L

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      • No it doesn't means it doesn't force.

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        • Hooviva

          Yeah right. Zius religion is anti-Christian, it's supposed to promote sex, because lust is not a sin, I really did invent Satanism where it's optimistic (and they think you're God), but get this, it's about happiness (which I deliberately used as an innuendo for sex, happiness means sex), therefore just eating fruit was made lustful on purpose, I didn't know what I was talking about, and when I had sex for real for the first time I knew what this fruit and its womb means, we were meant to talk like that to have sex with a woman for the first time.

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    • Wow, I just created a banana (your name is bananaface and I talked to it subconsciously). Sweet!

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    • I analysed not badmouthed religion after this, so I don't give a damn. Does it matter if you're Moonie, Buddhist, Catholic or invented religion? It's subjective (I'm a poet & I didn't know about it, oooh). I say fruit is the new god, you eat its womb but you don't kill or eat it out of the ground. Plus rivulets (little rivers), and no dairy means respect to animals and plants, but it's 2nd most simple, because I add that by eating fruit, you avoid that dodgy fake meat that shows someone rebels against you, i.e. pasta with chickpeas in it, I say annihilate the problem by eating the ideal, you like bananas so go ahead, instead of that extremist crap.

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  • Runaway

    There are many, many corrupt people in the Christian faith, and of course all you get to hear about is the terrible things that happen. No one tells you about all the good things because no one wants to hear them. Sure there are anti-gay leaders, there is rape, and there is even blasphemy, but there is also healing, hope, undying love of Christ and others, and a sense of being united together. We do community service and missionary trips and donate to a wide variety of causes. I think if you met a Christian with an open heart and judged them not for their faith, but their soul, you too would realize that not all Christians are the corrupt individuals you think they are. Just because some people call themselves Christians when they are not, don't let it turn you away from a lifetime (and not to mention eternal lifetime) in the heart of Jesus Christ.

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    • There was one exception to my sceptical rule: I think Catholics are the most peaceful, I have no problem with them. (sweet!)

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  • OK here's the juice: my mother adores when I started a cult, I have nothing against other religions, anti-religious, not any more, since a 100% harmlessness of worshipping nature and hurting nothing sounds nice, try it!

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