Do any other men suffer from migraines?

I'm a male, age 22, and I suffer from migraines at least once a week. My doctor thinks it's "stress" (what they say that causes everything), but I find this atypical. Whenever I get a migraine, I feel nauseous and vomit.

Does this happen to anyone else?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • tozergrate

    I used to have this problem a lot. Stress, excitement, and lighting conditions played a big part. The discovery of alcohol taken in volume dealt with a lot of the stress but only to produce what was actually a far worse problem.

    The main thing for me is that it would or will start with a headache that simply cannot be ignored. This can be really hard if you are doing something you think is vital because there is no stress free option. So I had to be able to convince myself that my well being was more important than most things, and do all of the things that would bring the headache down, the minute I noticed it - including sensible medications.

    It doesn't happen now. Partly by me being aware of the environments (and diets) that don't work well, and avoiding them. I am also a much calmer person than I was.

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  • Nickvey

    If you had been a female you would have gotten a vaginal exam and for the reward a 60 day supply of valium for stress. thats how its done in the USA. you are male you got nothing,

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    • Male privilege eh?

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Yes I get them and I'm a male

    There's very little masculine about me in general, but still a male

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    • Same here, I can relate, mate. How old are you?

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  • RandomNumbers


    I heard a doctor saying that gluten is the main cause of this random migraine that you seen to be having.
    try to avoid it that for two weeks and see if you get better

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  • KiwiWisdom

    I had migraines on and off into my early twenties. Then I changed maybe 6 things in my diet and they disappeared. Your body is a chemical balancing act. Your doctor might very well be correct, but that just means testing it against a lifestyle change.

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  • Perdition

    Migraine is not uncommon. The frequency you mention must be having a significant impact on your life, though, especially if the postdromal effects are disabling. See your GP, and talk through the options in terms of prophylaxis.

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  • sillygirl77

    I have a male friend who suffers from migraines daily

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  • e51pegasi

    I occasionally get aural migranes, coupled with nausea and mild derealization. I can't recall any triggers. Sitting down in a quiet room with no distractions usually shifts it after half an hour.

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  • Zorak

    I have been getting them lately actually. I usually start seeing weird flashes of light and everything starts to take on a yellowish hue before I get the headaches and the nausea. I become intolerant to lights and motion for an hour or two. They usually happen more or they are worse when I am under a lot of stress. Relaxing seems to help a lot. I am a 27 year old male btw. Migraines are more prevelant among women usually. Check in your pants to make sure you are not growing a chiner..

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    • charli.m

      That's migraine with aura.

      My GP has told me to try 2-3 aspirin dissolved in half a glass of water, or a nasal spray called Immigran (I think) as soon as it starts presenting. Obviously, the nasal spray works faster than pills. I haven't tried either yet as I haven't had one since. I usually take ibuproren and codeine, or naproxen, so I'm hoping simple aspirin would work better...

      Obviously, check either medication isnt contraindicated for you and make sure aspirin is taken in conjunction with food.

      I don't have personal experience of this working, but if it helps someone...

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  • charli.m

    I'm not male, but I do get awful migraines. My current GP, apparently gets similar ones to me and recommended a treatment I haven't tried yet.

    Do you get aura with your migraines? Have you had any tests? Do you have an idea of what triggers them if you don't think it's stress? I know for me, I have a range of triggers.

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