Do asians joke about how big eyes non-asians have?
You know how we non-asians joke about Asians having really small eyes? Well, I wonder if asians do the same towards us, joking about our big eyes.
They do | 10 | |
They don't | 3 | |
Don't know | 13 |
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You know how we non-asians joke about Asians having really small eyes? Well, I wonder if asians do the same towards us, joking about our big eyes.
They do | 10 | |
They don't | 3 | |
Don't know | 13 |
Not all Asians have small eyes. Indians are Asian and most of their eyes are large..
I've wondered that too. " Herro, my name is Bob, I am from New Yorku. I rove burgers, nascar and Hockey! "
I've heard an Asian person tease me for my nose sticking out, saying when I kiss someone our noses poke together.
They were actually correct and I never noticed it. My fiance and I don't turn our heads and we jab our noses together lol
My wife is full blooded Chinese and she says all white dudes look the same. Her “white guy” impersonation is fuckin hilarious though, she sounds like when Dave Chapelle does his white dude voice
My fiancee is absolutely hilarious when she does an American accent.Even more hilarious when she tries to speak Bulgarian.
For some reason what you're saying reminds me of this video making fun of how a lot of American guys are named Mike and Joe.
Hi, I am a racist. There's 4 main catagories of different types of asians according to the pamphlet from the KKK midsouth brigade. There is Chinese, Japaneese, Gooks, and Koreans.
They are also called natives in the russian areas, sometimes eskimos, or indians in the Americas. While these natives are not considered asian by normal mainstream snowflake woke sissy faggot standards. They are technically asian by genetic similarities.