Do athiests and agnostics have morals?

Atheists do not believe that there is a God(s).
Agnostics would believe it if they saw it.

Pick an option below that resembles your opinion. If you can't find one, write about it in the comment section.

I think both Atheists and Agnostics are void of morals. 13
I think both Ath. and Agn. have morals, but not enough of them. 13
I think only Atheists are void of morals. 4
I think only Agnostics are void of morals. 2
I refuse to be so judgmental. 78
I think ALL people have the SAME basic morals. 83
I'm Atheist and I believe I have more morals than religious people. 77
I'm Atheist and I think I have the same morals as religious people. 29
I'm Agnostic and I have more morals than Atheists. 1
I'm Agnostic and I have more morals than religious people. 16
I'm Agnostic and I have the same morals as religious people. 22
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Comments ( 11 )
  • omglookitsagoat

    actually, from what I hear of the bible, there are a few parts most people ignore these days that do actually condone slavery and rape. There is a part where god tells people to smash babies against rocks and kill them, too.

    I really don't think real morals can or should come from a book written thousands of years ago by someone far removed from current situations. It should be considered moral to define your own morals through reason and philosophy. I don't believe it's right to force your judgements on other people and try to make their decisions for them.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Of course, they do. Religion has nothing to do with morels.

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  • Jeshua

    Everybody has morals. Most non-religious peoples morals are just more or less flexible. Meaning that they base their morals moreso on the situation at hand,instead of applying the words of the bible to every situation. Hope that was clear.

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  • flightlesskiwi

    Anyone can or cannot have morals. To have morals you only need to follow the basic rule of treating others as you want to be treated. you don't need any religion for that. I've met my fair share of religious people who didn't have any morals. In fact some of the most selfish people I've ever met are religious. Of course I've also met some selfish atheists but I've met way more selfish relgious people. I am not religious but I have more morals than any of those people. And unlike many religious people I'm not judgmental. This whole poll is judgmental in itself. It just shows how judgmental organised relgion can make some people!

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  • UrbanArtLover

    Screw religion! I'm Agnostic. I wouldn't be religious if I saw God but I would obviously believe that he exists but wouldn't obey or worship 'him'. Okay maybe I'm Atheist...

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  • Gena45

    I don't think you can classify everyone under one category. I'm sure a lot of atheists have way more morals then a lot of christians, a lot of christians who have way more morals than atheists, and a lot who have the same. Being part of different religions doesn't define your morals.

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  • joybird

    I wouldn't like to make a generalisation but I am always a little wary of people who don't believe in God. First of all, I don't know why they always have to tell me that at our first meeting. Secondly, I feel as if they're telling me that they don't believe there are any long term consequences for them if they do something bad.

    I think this may come from bad personal experiences. I've had friends whose husbands have beaten and cheated on them - none of them believed in God! So this seemed to be a common theme.

    A bit simplistic I know but .....

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  • I have morals and I'm Athiest. I'm pretty liberal, too. It all depends on the person, not the religion.

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  • FocoUS

    I think teachings from a bronze age book inhibit our advancement.

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  • TotalAspie

    I'm an atheist, and I consider myself to have strong morals. My parents were pretty over the top as to how people are to be treated, and it seems to have stuck.

    I really couldn't answer the question. People with religious views can be just as moral or immoral as people with no religious views. (Or vice-versa!) The way I see it, is that people will be good or bad regardless of their religion, or if they even believe in any religion at all.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Not believing in God doesnt make you immoral all of a sudden. People still know right and wrong regardless of whether they think a God created the Earth or they think the Big Bang did.

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