Do blacks need whites to run things for them?

For example, when South Africa was exclusively ruled by whites, South African blacks had the HIGHEST standard of living of all blacks in Africa, so blacks can actually benefit from white-rule. Now that white-rule in South Africa (apartheid) is over, South Africa is becoming just as crappy as the rest of Africa. Wouldn't it be better for everyone if whites ran things?

Other (explain) 2
Yes 11
No 14
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Comments ( 51 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    There's so much historical context missing to this if that's really your viewpoint on apartheid and the overall circumstances in Africa and its interactions with the outside world.

    Then again, racism is born out of ignorance, hence this question. And yes, you are being racist.

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    • LloydAsher

      Apartheid was terrible. That ended though. The backlash from it has not salvaged the african situation rather it made it actively worse.

      Saying that anyone who thinks that the situation is shitty is therefore racist is a non statement for how to fix said problem. Africa can govern itself and has been governing itself rather poorly. Criticism for that isnt racist, its objectively true.

      They are leaving themselves to be exploited by non european countries that have taken imperialism to be lucrative. China has been buying out material rights in the same way the west was exploiting the natural resources of the past. Either way the african leaders dont even know the value of their own economies rather just splearging it on enriching their own lives.

      Have a solution or dont say anything at all. Shitting on people who try to propose their opinions on the matter wont solve their way of thinking. Debate will.

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        This person was not posting in good faith at all, they weren't worth debating. It doesn't take much critical thinking skills to understand black people as an entire whole do not need the white race doing things for them as if they are mentally incapable. The conversation started out as "Black people are inferior, do white people need to help them?" That's racism, especially if you are basing it on one singular country in Africa's history.

        Black individuals have proven themselves perfectly capable throughout history of taking care of themselves when not under control of oppressive, outside forces. OP was being racist, and if you're offended by me calling someone racist, that's a you issue.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Theres a narrative that all races are pretty much the same in all ways and the only reason theres differences between us is because of environment. But you look at 3rd world Asian countries where they have next to 0 education and their IQs are still quite high considering.

    Blacks are not known for their intellect. Of course you can find intelligent blacks even geniuses but at a much lower level. But theres also things blacks excell at and even dominate at. Try finding one Asian in the top 100 fastest 100 meter racers. You wont find one asian or one white person. Because blacks dominate that field at the top level. This isnt because of environment (white people compete too) this is a genetic advantage that they have.

    Some races do have genetic advantages in certain areas. This was commonly accepted by scientists even 10 years ago before this PC movement went crazy.

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  • dappled

    You make it sound like white people were there out of some benevolent need to administer, rather than to exploit the natural resources of gold, diamonds, platinum, silver, uranium, and beryllium. If you have valuable resources, you can have a better standard of living. Nothing to do with white people. We're just the ones who exploited it as much as we could to make ourselves richer and leave everyone else poorer. Africans are the victims of the parasitic, not the beneficiaries.

    Musa's rule of Mali didn't require white people. Not only did he become the richest person who has ever lived in terms of percentage wealth, prosperity was passed onto the people of Mali. You may only be familiar with the world's current richest African person, Elon Musk, but there were richer Africans before him, and they weren't white. Colour of skin does not determine intelligence, business sense, or worth, unless you've got a very narrow viewpoint.

    In the present day, life expectancies are:

    Algeria: 77 years
    US: 79 years
    UK: 81 years
    Canada: 83 years
    Japan: 85 years

    Do both white and black people need Asians to run things for them, so we can live longer and have a better standard of living? Or, is 77-85 years broadly acceptable, and we're all doing okay for once, and it be cause for celebration rather than small-minded derision and 1950s stereotypes? We live in the year 2022. I think you need to catch up and live in the real world.

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    • I realize full well that whites have done some truly horrible things in their respective colonies. However, the point that I'm making is that blacks CAN benefit from whites running things for them. Left to their own devices, they don' seem very capable of much.

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    • LloydAsher

      Life expectancy cannot be taken for better or worse life satisfaction. Sure I would live longer if I ate kale and baked my own bread and ate less red meat. Though I would love my life better with said products so I'll take shaving off 5 years for that luxury. Japan also has crippling depression and high suicide rates.

      Asia is good at collaborative cultures good for the group but dismal for the individual. China is doing the exact god damn thing to africa, just more paperwork to suck africa dry. It's the smart move since African leaders are just leaving the door open to do so because they are either too stupid or willfully selling out their countries material wealth for thier own benefit rather than their citizens.

      Open mines AND factories (refineries manufacturers etc) make refined products sell that instead of offloading the raw materials to the countries that will make their profit from the refined goods. Africa has what it needs to build better, their leaders choose to not do anything.

      Pretending they are always the victims will never solve the problem. Criticize them and hopefully someone who has buisness sense can build up their domestic economies so their country isn't an aid dump (both HIV and foriegn food assistance)

      I'm half expecting musk to create a corporate country to do just that. And you know what? That country would do far better than any of these half assers.

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      • dappled

        Life expectancy is a clear measure of standard of living. There are others, I didn't say it was exclusive, but are you arguing that lower life expectancy is an improvement all nations should strive for?

        There has been a high suicide rate in Japan for the past 25 years due to economic conditions. Does that make Japan bad, or the economic conditions? If a country has a faultline that makes it prone to earthquakes, do we blame it on the people who live there?

        You suggest China is victimising Africa and then later suggest it's a pretense that Africans are victims. You should make up your mind and stick to one narrative, even if neither of those things are true (read the second paragraph of my original post again - Africa has been perfectly capable, as was the UK in the past, and the US in the past, China now, and someone else in the future). You seem to be suggesting that things are only bad if another culture does it, i.e. that China is an economic bully compared to the past angelic behaviour of other nations.

        Some African and Middle Eastern countries do sell raw products (i.e. crude oil) for decent profit and aren't required to refine them into petroleum jelly or pharmaceuticals or plastics (thank God). Some of those countries tend to find themselves declared war upon by the west when they ask a fair price. Do you contend that they should defend themselves better and/or attack the west more violently?

        You expecting people to be equally successful without having equal chances of success is an unfair criticism of people.

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        • dude_Jones

          Sorry my friend. War over oil prices is only warranted when price exceeds the monopolistic point on the demand curve where price elasticity is unitary.
          (P*△Q/ Q*△P)

          Check your college economics textbook. You’ll have to do a bit of math to demonstrate the concept. If you didn’t take Economics, you could read about elasticity on Wikipedia, but their material is not as comprehensive.

          When the price exceeds unitary elasticity, the producer is basically accepting pain to cause the consumer even more pain. Nobody comes out ahead. It’s undiluted provocation.

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        • LloydAsher

          I'm saying that china is being as parasitic as the west when they controlled africa. It's both the fault of the countries trying to control and the country (its leader) for allowing said control.

          Most african countries have high tariffs that make making an internal economy difficult to create as a starter economy wont immediately be profitable enough to offset said tariffs.

          When it comes to oil that's a global commodity and as such it's well known what happens if you try to sell your oil at a price that pisses your clientele or competitors off. What they need is clientele that is willing to spend resources to protect it if you dont protect it yourself.

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  • Holzman_67

    I dunno, if you’re oppressed and living in a fundamentally racist political system with a deep history of segregation and that’s the highest standard of living on the continent then that continent is pretty messed up, I don’t think that being the best of the bad is good, if that’s truly the case. I admit to not knowing a whole heap on this subject. All that’s informing me is my gut feel, and social upheaval does take some time, the transition can be a messy one especially as it’s so deeply embedded in the South African social class heirarchy.

    It’s definitely for the good to have basic civil rights for all people of a nation, the world is going through a messy period of reverse colonialism atm, you can’t expect it to happen overnight.
    It would be my feeling that the disintegration of apartheid has been something that, at the very least, has liberated South Africa’s black population, and if you’re comparing that to white living standards it’s taking the wrong perspective on the argument.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Only the stupid or lazy ones need someone else to run things for them.

    I've seen plenty of those from all races. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

    I've also seen plenty of good working ones from all races s well.

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    • LloydAsher

      Problem is that africa is lacking good ol fashioned patriotism. Preferring ethnic groups to what country you are living in. I dont know how you fix generational feuds between petty tribes. Somehow europe and Asia figured that out centuries ago. It's a wonder why most african countries havent created a cultural identity behind their countries rather reverting back into the old tribal system.

      The best way (or should I say the fastest way relatively) that this was accomplished was a power just taking over for long enough for everyone to essentially intermix with the dominate culture and become said country.

      It's not a racial issue it's simply the lack of a shared cultural basis to become a larger culture. I have no idea how to fix that in a peaceful way. Cant exactly say "stop hating eachother" feuds like that just dont suddenly cease on their own.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        When youre talkin about millions of people you do have to generalize abit. If you are observing all black people 7.8 billion according to google you cant really go off individual cases. You'll find some are smarter than Einstein im sure but as a whole they dont run governments well at all and make a million excuses when other races have experienced worse and were able to rebuild

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    • "Only the stupid or lazy ones need someone else to run things for them."


      "I've seen plenty of those from all races. Skin color has nothing to do with it. I've also seen plenty of good working ones from all races s well."

      Sure, all races have stupid/lazy and good working members. However, do they all have the exact same amount of each?

      BTW, race is NOT skin color...

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  • lolasprat

    No! You know very little on African history, so you would better 🤐

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    • LloydAsher

      Enlighten us on your understanding of african history and geopolitics of the area.

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      • lolasprat

        Most african communities were ok before the whites came and most of them had centralized systems of government.
        When the Europeans came, they had very many strategies and one of them was gaining as much overseas land as possible so that the one with much land would be considered the superpower country. So when they came they started fighting on African land and that disrupted a lot of activities in Africa. Then there was the Berlin Conference which settled the war that the European countries had and they peacefully partitioned Africa among themselves. The European powers then had the responsibility of civilizing the coloured man. The governor, who was the overall head of the colonies wanted more white men to move to Africa. So, for the soldiers who took part in the war I had mentioned above, they were awarded with large tracs of land in the colonies. But, where was the land coming from? The land belonged to the African communities that used it for animal grazing and shift cultivation. They acquired the land is many ways and they encouraged more whites to come and they offered them free land, claiming that there was a lot of 'idle' land, free farm inputs, cheap labour and loans and they surely came and occupied all the highland areas with cool and wet climate and very fertile soils. Due to lack of knowledge on the climate in Africa at first, their crops did not do well and their livestock were attacked by pests and diseases and the Africans were to blame for their misfortunes then they were taken to live in places very far from the Europeans. Africans were taken and forced to live in reserves and their land was taken by the government and given to the white settlers. Some of the communities that resisted were fought against very badly and some collaborated because they feared death while some were just lured with gifts and they gave their land away and sold their people as slaves for money while others just agreed so as to get protection from their traditional enemies.

        Africans were forced to work on the land of the whites, with very little wages and many kinds of taxes to pay that were very high.
        I can't deny that they improved the status of some parts if Africa, but they did not do it for the Africans, they did it for themselves because they obviously wanted to live in good conditions and also some wanted some countries to be 'Whites' Only', like South Africa, Zimbabwe and even Kenya, but what made Kenya gain independence earlier was something called 'The Devonshire White Paper' that exposed all the things that the whites were up to to the ruler, Queen of England. But in others like Mozambique, they did not prosperous , why? It's because their colonizers themselves were poor, and they were not good leaders.

        So you see, in both races mentioned, there are bad leaders like the greedy African leaders and the Portuguese in Mozambique.
        Also, if the whites had not invaded Africa, maybe the lives here could be better, because l, they were progressing, even though it was slow.
        Also,maybe Africans could be having better standards of living if the highlands could be given back to them,but instead, the descendants of the white setters still own them.

        Take a good look at countries like Ethiopia and Liberia that were not colonised, haven't they made it?

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Yes, everyone ( except the Japanese and South Koreans ) need us to function properly.

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  • rkive

    No. Indigenous people can survive without the need for white people. Instead of having people run things for them, what they need is equality and understanding.

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    • LloydAsher

      They need reinforcements to their leadership style. Race is TOO much of an issue in africa. Your tiny tribe is aparently worth more than the country you live in. That's not going to make a functional country.

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      • rkive

        "Your tiny tribe" if you hadn't realized it before, I don't live in Africa. I'm from New Zealand.

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        • LloydAsher

          Your as in talking from the perspective of the average indigenous people from africa.

          I presume very little of IIN patrons are from africa.

          In case you didnt know there are thousands of tribes in Africa subdivided by religion, region, specific race (african is extremely broad) beliefs and every other aspect that makes a culture diverse enough to call itself seperate.

          That's why most of Africa cant develope into countries you have in any one african country dozens to hundreds of small tribes that are within the territory that we would call a country at war or at least hating on eachother enough to genocide or being actively racist against.

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  • LloydAsher

    What they need is competent leaders trained and educated at institutions before holding office.

    What africa doesnt need is people who think they and only themselves can solve every problem under the sun. That's how you get warlords.

    Whites arent unique to this fact it is Africa's sole fault for not possessing leaders with leadership capabilities.

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    • Wow3986

      This comment is not only disgusting, but ignorant. The bigotry you display in your comments, like you're doing now by dehumanizing Africans goes to show how ignorant you are. You seriously need help, you racist asshole.

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      • litelander8


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        • LloydAsher


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        • Wow3986


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      • LloydAsher

        I'm not being racist. I'm a humanist. Africa has every single tool it needs to be a cluster of superpowered countries. The problem is that its leaders are too small minded to make do with what they have and their people too petty to band together and become something bigger than your ethnic group.

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        • Wow3986

          Yeah right.

          You literally dehumanized Africans.

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          • LloydAsher

            I didnt. Criticism is coming from a place of they can do better with what they have. No handholding required.

            You are apparently think they cant solve their problems on their own because you are superior to them.

            I'm color blind. I just see the politics and it's not exclusively the west's fault for Africa's turmoil... most of its internal.

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            • Wow3986

              I never said I was superior to them.

              Wow. Turning the attention towards me by using projection? What a moron.

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  • dude_Jones

    Who cares about Africa? It’s an incurable trash pit. I donate $450 per year to the Bed Nets to fight malaria fund just hoping it gives them enough hope that they don’t emigrate to Europe or North America.

    Please note that African-Americans are much different than Africans. Africans will eventually revert back to cannibalism which is their natural state.

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    • lolasprat

      Excuse me, my continent is not a trash pit 'kind sir'. We have malaria vaccines now, so you can stop giving away your filthy money to whatever organization you 'donate' to.

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      • dude_Jones

        My money is filthy indeed, as is your continent. The clogged sewers, people harvesting street signs, oh well, not my problem. Try to come to my country? THATS a problem.

        Now, let me say I am pleased that the malaria vaccine is working for you. Please know that I will only fund charitable investments that raise the incentive for Africa to remain as isolated as possible.

        Africans will never raise their own standard of living unless they find the forces that are preventing indoor tap water, sewers, and electricity from reaching more people. Even local distribution points for water would help. (You may have to machine gun a few rich Africans just to get the attention of the other rich Africans).

        PS. Without prenatal iodine, iron, vitamin A, and Folic Acid you will go nowhere. Expectant African-American mothers load up on this stuff. That may be part of the reason there is such a difference in early intelligence.

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    • LloydAsher

      I would disagree if I didnt agree with most of that statement. They need better leadership as their current leadership is trash. So much potential is being squandered for petty gains.

      The european method to this was to make it lucrative in the long run by investing in what makes the local product unique. Africa does this halfway by just selling the raw goods rather than refining it and shipping it to the global market not just to the countries where they refine it for their profit.

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      • dude_Jones

        VooDoo witch doctor gonna put the curse on your ass. That’s bcuz your knowledge of eighth grade math threatens his tribal ego.

        He say, fuck you white man. The VooDoo king calls the shots. Your European book about so called management doesn’t make sense. The Chinese are better at it than you are anyway.

        What’s this ooga booga shit you call mathematics? I asked an African American once. Black Americans are smart fucks, and even he only understood the chapters on addition and multiplication. Your ass looks tasty. I’m gonna eat you for dinner. Mm, gimme some of that rump roast.

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  • Orphan

    Even if the white race usually flourishes everything it touches, i still dont believe that race mixing is a good idea. It is dangerous to try to understand each others ideologies. Borders are there for a reason and everyone should respect that.
    As for a white person living in north America, i do think that white people should just go back to europe and leave the land to the natives.
    As for south africa, even though the white race has proven itself to be superior, i think that the whites should also just go back to europe and leave the blacks to their own happy peaceful lives.
    My only complaint about white people is that they make their taste for unborn baby killing legal. Let them wait and see what god tells them when they get to heaven

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  • Wow3986

    Thanks for showing you're bigoted white supremacist.

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    • Orphan

      $20 says this person is black

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      • Wow3986

        $100,000 says this person is not being serious.

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    • Just asking a question. Black people may actually BENEFIT if whites ran things for them.

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      • Wow3986


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        • Well, are they doing such a superb job on their own?

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  • Grunewald

    They shouldn't, but if they want the thing that's being run to have widespread credibility among white people, they have to.

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  • Zackwood

    It is what it is

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    • litelander8


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    • Meaning?

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