Do blood tests check for drugs?

Hey, I’m a 19 year old girl and my mom still insists on going to the doctors with me to know what’s going on with my health (I’m completely fine, she worries too much) Anyway, I’m getting a blood test later this week and going into the office for an appointment in September where they will tell me my results and just continue with a checkup. My question is, do regular blood tests check for drugs? I smoke weed every so often so I know it’s in my bloodstream but will they check for it? It is that only when you ask for a drug test?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • paramore93

    Normal blood tests shouldn't test for drugs. You have the right to ask the doctor exactly what tests are being done anyway.

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  • Ellenna

    Cancel the appointment and make another one you don't tell your mother about. You're old enough to go to the doctor by yourself and she's being far too controlling

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  • barstool

    NAh, I think they just check for whatever the doctor orders them to check. Otherwise they'd be spending extra money and time for absolutely no reason.

    You should ask the doctor what they'll be testing for - like, you should ask that anyway, just so you know what's going on. That should ease your mind in advance.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno. You should call the office, and ask them for what they're testing.

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    • CozmoWank

      Be sure to ask "Will my use of illegal drugs show up on my blood tests?".

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      • RoseIsabella

        HAHAHA! That's practically a confession.

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  • lordofopinions

    I don't believe so not on a standard blood test. You should be in the clear.

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