Do christian believers often fail to learn what "evolution" is?

If you want a good primer for what "Evolution" is this is an episode of "Cosmos", a program by Carl Sagan.

They know a little about it but only what's in religious magazines and pastor's lecture. 2
Other opinion. 2
The usually just get exited and proclaim God. 2
The have usually read and studied both biology and evolution in particular. 7
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Clunk42

    Where is the "it highly depends" button? Where I live, everyone learns about evolution no matter what. I personally don't care whether or not evolution exists. The only thing I'm adamant about is that humans can't evolve.

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    • Humans definitely do evolve, as a matter of fact. To evolve merely means to change. The controversy between the tow sides is whether the evolution of life (natural change in nature) is sufficient to explain the origin of life and it's complexity or whether it is intelligent design.

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      • Clunk42

        I essentially meant that humans didn't evolve from neanderthalso or other primitive humanoids and won't evolve into other species.

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  • Handyman

    Go to a agricultural show and learn how farmers fast-forward evolution.

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  • megadriver

    In Europe at least, biology and evolution is taught, so is the history of prehistoric man.

    And while Christianity does say God created the world and everything on it, it doesn't mention evolution. And let's not forget that the bible was written by a man, not a god.
    My mom is a devout christian, goes to church, prays, etc... and she believes God made everything, but she also believes in evolution.

    I've never met a religious person so brainwashed they only believed what the bible said (literally), cause a lot of things in it can be interpreted in many ways.

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  • You can’t not hear about it? It’s even talked about in schools what kinda question is this. Also what are you trying to say here?

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    • hearing about it is not the same as knowing what it is.

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      • You get to know what is by learning about it/ hearing about it you dumb fuck.

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  • FlamingGalah

    Macro-evolution is a lie.

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    • That's not the topic.

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