Do cops legally keep their police guns in their houses?

My neighbor living upstairs is a police officer and I'm always scared he's going to accidentally shoot through the floor so I don't know if I should move out or what. It's hard to sleep because I'm worried something could accidentally happen. He leaves with a big bag so I assumed he has his weapons in that? Or maybe he has his police gun in a drawer?

Are you allowed to keep your police weapons at home? Should I be worried? I talked to him a few times months ago when he moved in and haven't in a while now because our schedules are different.

He's only 23 and he comes home late so I get nervous what if he picks up his weapons or what if he accidentally knocks it over and it fires or what if when he gets home he drops it on the ground or he holds it and accidentally fires it.

So I'm wondering do police have the ability to legally hold their police guns in their homes? He is actually anti gun so I know he doesn't own any others like he is against civilians owning guns so he'd if anything only have police weapons.

Yes 3
No 0
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Comments ( 19 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    May as well worry about getting hit with a meteor or being eaten alive by an escape zoo animal.

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    • Hm maybe

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  • jethro

    Yea. Move out.

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  • Tommythecaty

    As far as I know, no.

    But if there’s an emergency and cops are being targeted I think they can request it.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Well if in the US there's about a 99.8% chance he owns far more than just a service pistol.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    A family member of mine is in swat and he keeps his M4, body armor, pistol, and flashbangs in the back of his SUV everywhere he goes. He can just get called at the drop of a hat when hes off work and he has to put his stuff on and go kick in a door.

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    • litelander8

      But it stays in the car. He’s not carrying it around in a big bag to take pictures of himself. Lol. This post is silly.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah the op is some kind of libtard. Im just assuming its a european. They're terrified of guns.

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        • I'm American and Europeans are smarter hence why they don't have guns in their countries but aside from that, I'm not afraid in general just afraid of this particular guy dropping it or posing in the mirror and accidentally shooting it through the floor

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Theyre smarter but stopped using nuclear to buy russian gas 😂Most countries in europe have low wages and insanely high taxes. If you are middle class well over half the money you earn is taken from you by the government there. As a trucker in the US I make about the same as a doctor in the UK. Quit listening to these libtards on xbox. You live in THE economic superpower of the world and you can make ridiculous money if you arent a lazy leech.

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  • litelander8

    If you are in the US, yes. But it’s just a hand gun. And if you live in an apartment anywhere in the US, I assure you, he’s not the only one with a gun.

    He’s not wandering around with a big sack of guns. Lol.

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    • Yeah but if others have a gun they're not always moving it around like he is. He has this bag of something and every time he leaves I hear him leave early in the morning and I worry because it's every day he's moving this bag around what if it falls out and fires at the floor or what if he's posing in his mirror admiring his weapon and accidentally shoots through the floor. My bedroom is directly under his and I can hear his bag hit the floor

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      • litelander8

        That’s not how guns work…

        Posing in the mirror. 😂😂😂

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        • He's a new cop only 23 and he has an Instagram where he posts a lot of selfies so I'm scared he will pose in the mirror with it and it'll go off and shoot the floor

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its really rare that a cop has bad gun safety skills like that. Also with a glock even if you drop it it wont fire.

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        • Hopefully

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        • Lusty-Argonian

          Shit dude most if any modern guns won't fire from a drop like that. Even cheap garbage like highpoint is made with the proper safties

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        • LloydAsher

          They just need more shooting training. They know how to keep it safe but their aim can be atrocious sometimes. Then again it's a handgun and accuracy isnt a hallmark of pistols

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I feel like American cops are usually pretty good with pistols. We have a public range in my county and I see them there often doing really well.

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