Do doctors go on a power trip when operating on patients?

When you're lying down and the doctor is poking around, you're pretty powerless. The doctor has absolute control and can poke whatever s/he wants. The kicker is that under anesthesia, you can't even feel what's being poked! Doctors are essentially mini-Kim Jun Un's/mini-dictators. Do you think they get a power rush operating on people?

I'm a doctor and I love the control I have over my patients 1
I'm a doctor and I want to help my patients get better 0
I'm a doctor and I carve my initials into my patients 2
Not a doctor but doctors are definitely power tripping 1
Not a doctor but doctors are responsible and trustworthy 3
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Comments ( 4 )
  • paramore93

    I've met a lot of doctors over the years and I've liked exactly one of them ..
    The majority seem to think because they spent years in school and earn so much money that they're above the rest of us.
    If they're on a power trip while you're conscious, then yeah I imagine they are while you are unconscious ..

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  • Dustyair

    Can you imagine some of the douchbags they have to deal with, I can't blame some of them for wanting to poison their patients.

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  • If I were a doctor, I'd want to help my patients get better. However, I can't say that at times, having that sort of control wouldn't be exciting.

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  • Nickvey

    getting to decide who lives and who dies sometimes just saying you die today is a powerful rush so yea its kind of like that.

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