Do guys care if your teeth are white?
Yes | 565 | |
No | 166 | |
I've never thought about it before | 267 |
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Yes | 565 | |
No | 166 | |
I've never thought about it before | 267 |
this is a strange one because it is acting like they have teeth that are snow white or piss yellow. but there is such a thing as they brush their teeth but they aren't completely white, as long as it isn't caked on and looks like candy corn you should be good, especially because they have dentists around you know? -Crazy
Actuallu, slightly yellow teeth (if they're yellow for the right reason) are more healthy than white teeth. If you have floride in your water, or take floride pills, your teeth will become stronger and will be slightly yellow. This is good, because your teeth wont chip as easily and it won't be as easy to get cavities.
Well, depends on what type of guys, shallow, or the ones who acctualy care and LOVE you :)
Yeah jacked up teeth are a killer which is also usually a sign of SH*T smelling breath. Would you care if someone had a piss stain on their pants? Hygiene is a must
It shows good hygiene, that’s all
Cheat like most people do and use the whitening strips
Well, if I like a girl, I give a shit if her teeth are yellow, or green for that sake.
They could be yellow because of all the caffeine they drink. Coffee, tea, soda. If they keep there mouths clean, brush, and floss, then there is nothing wrong with them. :)
white teeth are important for mee :)
if the guy has yellow teeth, thats gross, firstofall, and its purdy embarrassing!
I don't think so. I know a lot of girls with yellowish teeth. I don't mean yellow, yellow, but like fair-yellow and they have extremely good looking guys so yeah, It doesn't matter to them as long as they arent like dark yellow, guys dont care. My friends are all beautiful and so are their dates. My teeth are white and I never get compliments so whatever.
I see a lot of girls where I live with teeth that are pretty nasty and they have husbands,boyfriends,kids...somebody is boning these methmouth heifers. That's all I'm saying.
well idk if they care cuzz they dont really care about teeth btw my teeth are white im pretty sure everyone's teeth should be white cuzz its part of their hygiene so <3!!
Honestly i dont care if they are white or yellow BUT i do brush and take care of them just to not be nasty. Cause if i did let them go yellow people would think badly of me and you dont want people thinkin bad of you so i do it just to have them clean but i mainly do it for teh girls c:
Just whiten your teeth and don't worry about it. No one's going to complain if your teeth are white.
I totally agree with Ghebulon! I never knew that before. My parents use to always yell at me for having yellow on my teeth, it was always just slightly yellow. Does brushing with fluoride count?
White teeth are important to everyone. Whoever said no doesn't have white teeth and is jealous. I wish I had white teeth, but don't. Can't bleach them because I have one fake tooth.