Do i have to meet my finances woke sisters?

I'm not woke but they are. I didn't meet them yet because I was able to avoid them.

Basically I've been friends with my partner first for several years so there was no need to meet his sisters but then we started dating and got engaged. Now I'm unsure if I have to or not.

We're 32, his sisters are 21 and 23.

His 21 year old sister (she makes him call her sibster aka sister but it's wokiefied and I'm guessing I'd have to call her my "sibster in law" she identifies as gender fluid aka sometimes she's male sometimes female sometimes both sometimes neither and has ze/zim pronouns..her Instagram account scares me to pieces. I can't even put it into words

His other sister is 23 she's just a straight female but shes pro woke everything. She's not as into it she doesn't post about it but she will attack if you say you don't agree which she did in her comments I've seen and at my fiance (her brother).

He doesn't agree with either of them and they've insulted him and told him he's not a good person because he's not woke but he tries to get along with them because he doesn't have any other family no parents or other family. They've done and said awful things to him and gaslight him so he thinks he is obligated to be their rock and constantly helps them with money and advice like a parent..

I'm just not comfortable meeting them. I know we will get into arguments and they're aggressive so I'm not willing to talk to them at all even though they have asked him when they'll meet me. It makes me sad I don't talk to them but I don't think it's worth it at all. Also he told them I'm conservative because they asked and they told him more than a dozen times to break up with me even though he's conservative too.

I do plan to invite them to the wedding but will not be interacting with them there.

Do you think this is okay to not meet them? Look they can believe whatever they want but they force and bully it on everyone and I don't have to believe what they do.

Yes 8
No 5
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Comments ( 10 )
  • ospry

    They sound like a nightmare to be around. You're completely entitled to avoiding them if they're as exhausting as they sound

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    No. Although if he still cares for them, it can make things tricky. You don't have to meet (or like) anyone of their family. They don't have to meet your's either, though.

    We don't even speak to our families anymore. Although it's for the opposite reason.

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  • Cable4nerds

    Meet beforehand on neutral ground, you don’t want to meeting them for the first time at your wedding. That could go all kinds of ways. I don’t blame you though, whatever you decide - god speed.

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  • Meowypowers

    The woke sisters of finance are social credit

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  • raisinbran

    Give them the Roman salute when you meet.

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  • darefu

    You don't want to make your first meeting the wedding, so I would say meet them. But I would grab the bull by the horns at that first meeting. Be blunt and up front with them. Let them know you don't believe in their politics and woke beliefs and you understand that they don't believe in your view points.

    So, for peace and your fiance's sake it would be best just not to get into those discussions. Let them speak their piece for a few minutes as you just did. Then anytime after that point, when they start, (because they will), just say No, No, I'm not going there. Don't try to fight with them. They are allowed to think how they want and people should respect that. You, however, are not allowed or given the same courtesy. You are wrong and shouldn't exist if you don't change your views. At least in their thinking, normally.

    Depending on how that meeting goes, maybe they won't show up at the wedding. That may be the best thing that comes out of the first meeting. I'd still invite them. It's just their choice if they can keep their mouth shut and support their brother or not!

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  • Curiouskitten444

    They just sound like bratty kids. Even though I agree with some of their beliefs, I dont think it's okay to bully, manipulate or guilt trip someone.

    Some people want to have a struggle so they create one and try to join a minority so that they can whine about how they struggle.

    I identify as bigendered and bisexual but I would never force people to agree with me, I would just expect basic human respect. Again, the bullying, manipulation and what not is not okay and you have no reason to put up with that.

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  • Armsage

    I think you should meet them and the gauge whether or not you really want to invite them to the wedding. The last thing you need are two spoiled little shits making comments about how they’ve never met you before. After that, talk with your fiancé about inviting them or not. Good luck!

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  • AsterBean

    Meeting them for the first time at your wedding is a very bad idea. Meet on neutral turf, like a cafe or restaurant that's amenable to all. Be respectful of their beliefs and don't insult them for how they choose to identify themselves. It's not hard to respect that. However you deserve respect as well so if they can't be civil, let them know you will not tolerate it and walk away. Do not engage in political discourse and try to find a common ground. I find talking about pets is pretty non confrontational. Well, sometimes.

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  • GaelicPotato


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