Do i have too high standards or am i just unlucky

Ok so why do I fail trying to find a bf??

I tend to go for guys with beards and that are chubby as I dont really wanna be with someone who's skinnier then me (I'm a big female)

Only ever been with 3 guys all failed miserably (1 was my fault, 1 was partly my fault n the other dont know why)

Dont want a smoker (been there done that) as I hate the smell of cigarettes and the smell spreads EVERYWHERE

Is this me having too high standards or just very picky??

Unlucky 22
Too high standards 2
Picky 1
All 2
None of them 4
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Comments ( 11 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    "I tend to go for guys with beards and that are chubby"
    "Dont want a smoker"

    A fat, hairy, non-smoking man sounds like low standards if anything, I say unlucky.

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  • ellnell

    Unlucky. Those arent high standards

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    I, too, have exceedingly high standards. My niece once told me that I'd never get a man even if I wanted one (which I don't) as I set my standards too high. It also applies to those in the public eye I choose to admire. If they don't conduct themselves impeccably both in and out of the professional arena then I won't like them or buy their product, no matter how talented they are. I need to know they are worthy of my respect.

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    • allialli

      i think having those types of standards is a good thing. it makes you less likely to date disrespectful people who won’t treat you well.

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  • techpc

    Many have much more stringent standards than you. I think you're just unlucky.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    It can just be life, I'm sure you'll find someone worth it. If there is any issue in regards to you, it's not apparent in your post.

    Three guys is a pretty normal number, idk how old you are but you're not "behind" in any way. I'd say just work on yourself if you have anything you want to improve, self reflect, journal, and get in touch with yourself and all that hippie stuff. The right relationship will come when it's meant to.

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  • chiisana_izumi

    well if these are high standards i'm never going to find someone that meets mine, definitely just unlucky

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'd focus on brains, the ability to think logically and not over-react, character, and values...

    Look for a match in those areas...

    Yes, some of those will have beards and be a bit chubby...

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    The fact that you're chasing ugly people doesn't mean you have high standards. It's just bad luck.

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  • LloydAsher

    My aesthetic standards are women that weigh less than me. Given that I'm a 6ft tall guy who's overweight you would think that standard wouldnt be needed very often.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I voted none because i dont think you have high standards buy i also dont really believe in luck, just not the right time for you.

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