Do i like this dog or not?

Okay, my momma has a pet dog and she loves him. He is a little chihuahua and he is cute. She takes him everywhere and feeds him human food a lot. The problem is I hate when he begs all the time and he barks out of nowhere. I have to yell at him and say shut-up everyday. I always have to eat in my room if he's around. When we watch movies I want the dog out. He is a house dog. I pet him, but he always wants to bark when I bump my elbow. I can't write my stories when he's around. I just want him to go away sometimes. When my momma and I go somewhere I tell her to keep the dog home. She wants to take him. I told her if he goes then I'm not going. So now I ride and he stay at the house. He don't have to go everywhere. I wouldn't hurt him or be mean. I will yell at him and stick my toung out at him. I just wish that dog will shut-up. He gets on my nerve. I love him though.

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67% Normal
Based on 27 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • CraneyCrow

    You shouldn't have to put up with a bothersome, untrained dog. It is dog-owners like your mother who cause so many people to hate dogs. She should train it not to yap or beg for food. You say you don't want to hurt it, but if a dog was bothering me the way that one is bothering you, it would have some kind of "accident".

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    • dolphin2525

      Okay, my momma have spoiled him. She gives him chips everytime she eats them. I'm like give me a break.She say he is heavy, but he not heavy to me. I did wish he would run away. He have ran out the house and I was hoping she wouldn't find him. To me he is a pain in the neck. I thought about giving him a little chocolate to make him sick.

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      • NorthernStar

        Why are you letting something the size of a rat make your life miserable? It's a "punt dog," so when it bothers you, punt the fucker across the room. When your mother comes home, tell her it ran outside and when you found it, it was injured (or dead).

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        • littlelulu1999

          Yes....please...thank you NorthernStar for giving it straight....why oh why do people let dogs run all over them! WHY?

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      • iluvkitties

        ur dog mite die at an early age if hes eating sooo much human food

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  • aussiewolf

    dogs shouldnt be fed human food on a regular basis. its not good for them. tell your mother to give it obedience training. it needs to know who is boss and realise that its a dog and not a human. also the more attention you pay the dog while its barking, it thinks its doing the right thing so it will continue. ignore the dog when it barks at you, it will soon realise that its not getting attention and it will stop.

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    • dolphin2525

      I never thought about that. So when he barks I need to not say anything.

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  • jugzapoppin

    Yeah it's normal. I love all animals but chihuahuas are the most annoying things on the planet.

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    • dolphin2525

      lol he is annoying.

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  • SweetSherry

    When he's barking and annoying you hit him across the face and yell at it and tell it to shut the fuck up and if that doesn't work feed it lots and lots of chocolate that will shut it up forever

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  • Tancho

    It isn't ok to feed a dog human food, a dog has a totally different nutritional requirement to humans and people don't realise how much harm they do to their animals by feeding them the wrong foods, it may not show up in the short term but it can really have a long lasting effect later in life. Saying that though there are good dog foods and bad dog foods, and you have to read the ingredients panel to get a good grasp on which are good and bad - good foods will never say things like meat and animal derivatives or cereals on their ingredients panel.
    Also some ingredients in human food are life threatening for dogs. Everyone knows about chocolate but what about salt, onions, grapes (including sultanas etc), high fat content etc etc.
    Typically with chihuahuas it's not the dog that's the problem, it's the owner and your mom is obviously encouraging the dogs bad behaviour. You need to really try and talk to her seriously about it and maybe google a few dog behaviour websites to get some ideas on training - for example when the dog is barking and you start shouting at it did you know the dog thinks you are joining in? Dog behaviour isn't hard to understand when you grasp the basics as its mostly common sense but if you learn to see it from the dogs point of view then it helps you to teach the dog out of it's behaviours. Dogs should all be well trained, whether it be a chihuahua or a Rottweiler, no excuses.

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    • NorthernStar

      Dogs do NOT have "totally different nutritional requirements," that's just something the dog food manufacturers say to sell more dog food and stupid dog owners are dumb enough to believe it. There wasn't even any dog food around until around the 1960s or 70s and dogs got along just fine eating "people food." We feed our dog scraps from the table and he's a lot healthier than any of my friends' dogs that are fed processed dog food.

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  • Babel

    uh idk only you should know if you like him or not. we used to have a girl chihuahua like that though and i swear she was the most annoying little vermin ever!! not only did she bark all the time at everthing, but she would also always beg for food too, i mean we couldnt walk in our own freakon kitchen without almost tripping on the piece of shit. and of course everyone else but me thought that just cuz she's a chihuahua she should NEVER be on a leash, but good things she's gone with the wind now.....

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  • gothraga

    when it barks git up and smack it! NOT IN THE HEAD OR NECK!
    you will kill it like that EASY! just put the fear of god into it and it will Hate you and love your mom even more and when you yell SHUT UP~! it will

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  • xsavealifex

    It's not the dogs fault. Your mother is putting the dog above you. She needs to be reminded that you are more important. Dogs do not need to eat people food. It is not healthy for them. Do research on it! Sorry.

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    • dolphin2525

      I tell my momma to stop feeding him human food and let him eat his dog food. But she doesn't want to listen to me. She does think about that dog more, it's crazy. I was thinking my momma loves this dog, why don't she marry the dog. lol
      She treats him like a baby.

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  • alv1592

    i see what u mean. i just got a shihpoo puppy about 5 weeks ago. she gets annoying because she bites my feet, pees on the floor and whines when she's in a room by herself. she's very cute though and i do love her.

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  • NorthernStar

    It is okay to feed a dog human food. We have never bought dog food and our dog is a LOT healthier than those of the neighbors that are fed dog food.

    It's probably too late to train the dog because it is spoiled and it would have too much to un-learn. I don't believe in killing an animal without a good reason, but maybe when your mother is gone, you could maybe take it to the pound and tell her it ran out the door and you couldn't find it.

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  • I don't like small dogs either, they're always yapping at everything.

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