Do i really should see a therapist because of that?

So I am usually pretty friendly, but I get mad really easily and by many thinghs, I would not scream at a complete stranger but if someone I know makes me mad I wouldn't mind saying a fell words to express it. I am kind hot-headed since I was a child, with 5 years on the end of school year the teacher send a small text about each student on a personalizated book with the drawings that we mad in the year, on the text the teacher said I was nice but kinda hot-headed, I gotta adimt that I got involved on 2 physical fights (that I can recover) some years ago (Years!)

So I am still very hot-headed and get angry (just on a point to give one or two offences, and it is usually an object or I am just offending a person alone in my room), but a friend said that I really should see a theraphist because he is sure that I got seriouly anger issues, just because i often have a minor angry moment every day. In my opinion he is exagerating, I don't see this as an actually issue, but I can be wrong.

no, you are just hot-headed nothing that bad 2
yes, you really should listen to then 10
*other* (comment) 1
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Comments ( 7 )
  • olderdude-xx

    People are most blind to their own issues and weaknesses.

    You actually have a good friend in that they told you the truth.

    I suggest that not only do you find a therapist to work out how to better handle your anger issues with, but that you personally thank your friend for pointing out your need to improve your behavior in this area.

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  • CountessDouche

    Any habitual behavior that is destructive deserves attention. It's not healthy to have a temper as an adult. It's not healthy to react out of anger or have an inability to resolve your emotions without the need to immediately arc up. That shit does not do you any good. If multiple people have commented on this issue, they probably find your behaviour to be inappropriate and scary & you probably should see a therapist.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • LornaMae

    The way you say "just because i often have a minor angry moment every day" makes it sound like you are trying to make it seem of little to no importance. The fact that you feel angry every day is not good for your mental and emotional health, your friend does have a point.

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    I agree with Lorna Mae. Carrying around such anger will only hurt young the long run, and may get worse, causing you other problems. There’s much more to this than a grade school incident. It probably has a lot to do with your parents.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yes, if you have a problem with rage you should seriously see a therapist ASAP!

    I don't know how old you are, because this is a website for people who are over 18, but I wanna try to give you some helpful information.

    Here's a link to the Wikipedia page on Rageaholics: is a twelve step group called Rageaholics Anonymous, and here's a link to their website. Their website isn't the most modern, or sophisticated, but it is a legitimate program.

    There's a concept that might be helpful for you to do a Google search on called Radical Acceptance.

    I also think it would be helpful for you to learn more about Forgiveness. Here is a link to the Wikipedia page on Forgiveness:

    Here is link to very helpful philosophical concept known as Stoicism:

    I also want to share a very helpful prayer that is commonly known as the Serenity Prayer:

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    the courage to change the things I can,
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    I hope this stuff helps you! I'm sure there's so much more that I could suggest, but I'm getting some brain fog as result of chronic pain issues, so I have to rest for a while. Seek out help, and don't give up on yourself!

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  • Somenormie

    Yes, you should for crying out loud.

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