Do i sound nuts?

Do I sound as though I am nuts and have been crazy for quite some time. I basically am just into anything utterly bizarre and often scary such as alien abductions, alien experiments on humankind, energy fields, mind control, and other things that probably sound absurd and this stuff has basically become much of my life. It doesn't really worry me all that or anything, but I was just wondering if this is pretty much the stuff that other is it normal people think about typically or is this clearly "not normal"

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 56 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • DoctorAngelDust

    It is only nuts if you can't differentiate the supernatural from what is actually taking place around you. If you base your life judgements on those beliefs, you might have a problem. Having a legitimate interest or passion for the supernatural is perfectly normal.

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  • thegypsysailor

    This is IIN, EVERYBODY on here is fucking ready for the loony bin. What makes you think you are different?

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  • clevelandashkenaziatheist

    By "into", do you mean you believe in it, or are just interested in it. Nothing wrong with an interest, but ridiculous beliefs need to be addressed.

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  • Toball

    This reminds me of a character from an anime...

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  • howaminotmyself

    There is a whole section in the bookstore devoted to this. It can't be that weird.

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  • Shrunk

    I am interested in that sort of thing as well.. I also like things like the backwards radio station, I've listened to it many times and I think it sounds nice

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  • Tommythecat.

    Well that stuff sounds interesting so an interest in it is normal.

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  • peaceandlovebro

    I think it's an interest and since everyone is unique, it's normal in that aspect. You're allowed to like what you like.

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