Do i struggle from ocd?

is it normal that have a constant need to blink in my left eye and i get gross thoughts about germs or blood and cannot handle some sounds such as chewing scratching etc it puts awful images in my head, i feel like these could be OCD tendencies but not sure as i’m not a particularly neat or tidy but it’s so annoying and embarrassing to be constantly winking at people. it becomes painful as i get cuts where my eye creases from excess blinking and headaches, i worry i will love the rest of my life like this, what is it, is it normal and how can i stop ??

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Comments ( 10 )
  • CountessDouche

    I think it's really awesome to come to terms with problems you have & admit to yourself that there's something wrong. That's a giant step in the right direction & it's admirable.

    But man, don't ask the tards on this site to diagnose you. (Most of) These people are all giant fucking retards with mental disorders of their own.

    I know it's an awful, shitty, sucky step, but go see a dr. Someone who can honestly help you & give you the tools to deal with all of this. It can get a ton better. I am related to someone with actual diagnosed OCD, who has gotten help & is leading such a fantastic life that I am jealous.

    You can handle it, just seek help in positive, constructive places, not some internet turd sewer of crazy floaters.

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    • SwickDinging

      Dunno why this got downvoted. It is a harsh but fair assessment of the majority of the user base of this site.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    it does sound like some form of OCD but the eye blink thing also kinda sounds like tourettes. go get that shit checked out.

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  • have_a_good_day

    Nigga yo ass got Tourettes

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  • bbrown95

    Only a qualified doctor/psychiatrist would be able to accurately answer this.

    I have some qualities people have described as "OCD-like", such as having to do specific things a specific number of times (usually one of my lucky numbers), but it doesn't negatively affect me in any way, it is just a quirk.

    I don't recommend trying to get medications prescribed as one other answer suggests. I highly doubt antidepressants, for one, would do any good for something like this (and they are usually harmful if you don't need them; I know this from experience). Unfortunately, doctors seem to be handing them out like candy right now and a lot of people seem to falsely believe they're harmless magic happy pills that solve all of your problems, which is why I say this.

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  • Yes that is ocd, the treatment is antidepressants plus benzodiazepines.

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    • RoseIsabella

      While I don't disagree with you I think that OP needs to see a professional like a psychiatrist. OP would also greatly benefit from seeing a talk therapist, and engaging in some cognitive behavioral therapy.

      I also think OP could greatly benefit from seeing his, or her general practitioner, and not only getting a referral for a psychiatrist, but also a referral for an ophthalmologist as well!

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      • freakyman69

        Bingo. seek help dont try to self medicate. nothing good will come from that.

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    • bbrown95

      I highly doubt antidepressants would do anything for OCD. I'd also recommend trying other avenues before resorting to medications, especially for something that seems so harmless.

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  • EnglishLad

    Someone with OCD would notice you wrote "struggle from" instead of "struggle with" or "suffer from".

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