Do my cats think i left them for a week?

Since 1 cat year is 7 human years, I was wondering....

If I am very busy and out of the house for a full 24 hours, do my cats feel like I have been gone a whole week?

Or, if one gets locked in my bedroom by accident when I shut the door, and I don't notice for 3 hours, did the cat feel as if it was locked up for a full day?

Yes!! 10
Probably. 17
No!! 49
Good question....hmm.... 38
Who cares, I HATE cats!! 8
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CraneyCrow

    Animals do not relate to time the same as humans. The cats don't "think" anything.

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  • Francophile22

    they age 7 times faster but that has no relation to their perception of the length of a day from sunup to sundown.

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    • Oh really?

      So, if a human and an ant both walk a mile do they feel it's the same distance?

      Does a mile feel the same when flying, driving and walking?

      A mile is a mile, that mile is perceived can vary greatly. Many, many factors will influence the perceived 'length' of the mile. Size, health, mode of travel, age, urgency, pain....PLUS, one major thing humans have that animals do not is a strong knowledge of past and future. Memory, units of measure and knowledge of a past and future heavily influence time.

      Since animals and humans have such remarkably different 'references' available for perceiving time it makes no sense that time would BE perceived exactly the same.

      Take a person who has schizophrenia or Parkinson's, they do not perceive time the same way as their own fellow humans. Time perception is complicated. It differs between humans, sometimes remarkably differing, so why would you think it wouldn't differ between humans and animals?

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      • Francophile22

        Those are different. You can't just state as proven that just because they age 7 times faster they feel time goes 7 times slower.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    The cats will have a very traumatic experience. They'll think they've been abandoned

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  • sega31098

    Cats do not think like humans.

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  • xXScYtHeXx


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  • yabayaba

    So philosophical, does actual time pass a lot faster for animals than for humans?

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