Do ouija boards really bring evil spirits?
Yes | 64 | |
No | 78 |
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Yes | 64 | |
No | 78 |
You can, but I'd rather you not make me wait while you spell everything the fuck out.
You can use IIN to contact batman...
last time I fiddled with dem wiggy boards my mother in law came in. guess it summons dem living as well. hope she ain't readin this.
I wouldn't chance it. It's like this: Whether you -believe- such a tool could invite negative energy or not, it is -certain- that they won't be invited using said tool if you're not using it.
Don't. Fuck. With. It.
Dear sweet black baby jeegus PLEASE put the board down and WALK AWAY. D:
Nuh UH! Baby jeegus is of African origin! He came out from the Mother Country to bless us all with chicken and watermelon and the gift of awesome nigratude! :D
.oO(On another note... Why so many thumbs down? Because I have a mutherfucking opinion? SHEESH people... get a LIFE. D: ...)
view for life on these things .. we had contact with some spirit named yungi .. who according to him died falling out of a tree .. wish it was a more exciting spirit but yeh lol.
I don't know if I believe Ouija boards do anything or not, but on the off chance they do I don't want to fuck with them. XD
The way I understand it coming from some of my pagan friends, the boards are dangerous becasue that little glass you look through is pretty much a door that anything can be channeled through. So theoretically you could get your grandma or you could get Dahmer; some say other entities can be channeled through the boards as well.
Pagans who partake in divination use a pendulum, a more focused point that can only be moved but not act as a gateway.
I had pagan roomates a few years ago. XD They taught me a lot of interesting shit about the practices.
You realise that Ouija is a board game, right? Hasbro owns the rights to it, actually.
Yeah, I know it's a board game. However, I'm the "I believe in spirits" type and alot of stories that are linked to the Ouijia Board about evil spirits, demons, and possession make it rather hard not to believe. Then again, many people are probably lying and over exaggerating things about them just to scare others. I can't make quick judgements though. Who's to say that the rumors about Ouijia Boards aren't true? What if bad things truly do happen to those who use Ouija boards? I wouldn't know because I never owned one and I probably never will.
They can bring spirits, not necessarily evil ones (usually you do a ritual before using it so you get only the good spirits).
I used a Ouija board with my sister and best friend once and we spoke with a couple spirits. The most memorable one was someone who was murdered by a gang in the '70's and whose body was dumped over a bridge. He said the name of the bridge and the highway that goes over it(I forget the name) and the name of the gang (I think it was Bloods). We were confused what he was talking about until we searched those words on the internet afterwards and found out that the highway does go over that bridge and the Bloods gang had a big population in that area. It was pretty freaky - the area was in NJ and we live in VA so none of us could have made it up.
I don't recommend playing with one even if you don't believe in spirits. I've heard far too many stories of demons and malicious ghosts that were invited into the home of whoever was playing with it.
pointer around the board .. i personally held the belief that it was a joke & used to mock these type of things until i tried for myself .. even got in a near punch on with my cousin as i accused her of moving it so we done it with our eyes open .. all i will say is what i experienced changed my
anyhow .. i'm the type of person that doesn't discredit anything of such a nature , unless i've personally gone out of my way to try these things .. my first ouija board experience i went into with a very firm disbelief of such things .. especially like on movies when you see them move the glass or
ateheists don't believe in a single deity , or deity's in general .. hence why i stated "some people" .. but your question pertained to ouija boards & therefore the spirit realm .. not gods as such.
doesn't matter if your atheist .. go a round or two with a ouija board & i'll guarantee it's an experience you wont forget in a hurry ..
i have a quija board and it doesn't neccessarily bring bad spirits. actually most of them were pretty friendly(and even funny too). but i dont like to use it any more after a not so good experience. its up to you whether or not you wanna chance it. :/
I think of myself as quite a rational guy who doesn't really believe in things like that, yet, I wouldn't want do do one in my own house.
If you want to take the notion further .. It's the same with air .. & we all know that exsists !
"see" him .. ? it's the same with a spirit .. you cannot see it or touch it .. but you know it's there.
Some would say yes - some would say no .. Can only relay my personal exerience & on that note i say yes .. Using a ouija board gives a spirit permission more or less to enter the living realm & ones body .. All i have to say to non believers is this .. Alot of people believe in god .. Can you -