Do people hold "chubby chasers" in lower regard in society?

As long I have been in the dating scene, I have been exclusively attracted to heavy men. To be blunt, I cannot get physically aroused unless the man has moobs and a big belly. There isn't any way around this. I wish I could change, but I can't.
For equally as long, I have felt terribly paranoid and insecure about this problem. I always worry that people figure this out about me and that they think I am gross and wrong-headed or that my love life and feelings are comical. I felt like I have failed my family as well. Is this normal to be insecure about such an issue? Are people with my problem seen as losers?

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55% Normal
Based on 66 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I think it mainly has to do with the way that "chubby" people are seen in society in general.

    Most people find thinner, more fit individuals to me more attractive and most people also have trouble being able to tolerate what they don't understand, even if they do call themselves "tolerant".

    Ultimately, you will be the one waking up next to that guy, not them. Only a dick would try to make someone feel so bad about who they choose to be with.

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  • dirtybirdy

    He-hooters need love too...I guess :/

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  • julialynn

    Yuck. that is so abnormal. a normal woman wants a nice body to pump her in sex not some flabby fat bellied pig smashing her chest cavity. Fat people's farts are really disgusting too and they can't wipe their ass properly. Yuck you are really weird.

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    • @kelili: Thank you for the suggestion, but I am going to assume that your father is not young (20's-30's)and sexy. If you do have a sexy father who is not old and frumpy, then please let me know. :-P

      @julialynn: I have experience with naked overweight men (up to 400 lbs.) and NONE of them smelled like shit or where coated in dingle berries (not that I got very close to their sphincter, but I didn't see/smell anything). Comments like the ones you gave make me feel like a piece of shit. I know I am fucked up. I battle a lot of self-hate/jealousy/paranoia, but here's the deal, men with "nice bodies" make me feel nauseous when I touch them and I can't get wet. Heavier men, if they are charming and attractive, can make me scream and moan for hours and perturb the neighbors. What's a girl to do?

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Lubbly bubbly

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  • kelili

    You would fall in love with my father:)

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    • Do you have a reasonably young, charming, sexy father? I don't fall in love with all heavy guys and I don't have a particular craving for old guys.

      But, alas, if you are very young or your father had you as a teenager and your father is good looking and charming, I could possibly fall in love with your father. :-P

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      • kelili

        He's a mature guy and he shaves his head. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder my lovely future stepmum.

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  • Justs0meguy

    Ron Jeremy. Nuff said

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  • awesome123

    Dude that's who your attracted to. If anyone is hating at least your happy. I'm not so bad in the looks and I have the same problem but when pol laugh I laugh back beause I'm not the one waisting my life judgeing people I'm being happy :)

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  • anti-hero

    Who cares? Be with who you like.

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  • Mando

    Why is it a problem, other than you needing other people's approval? Date whosoever you want for whatever reason you like. It is no one's business and if anyone comments tell them to **** off.

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  • dappled

    It's strange, isn't it? The BBW scene has a strong image and the men and women who like it aren't stigmatised, but switch and make the man overweight and the men (and occasionally women) who like this don't seem to have such a positive identity. There really shouldn't be a difference and I hope this begins to change.

    You are by no means a failure or a loser just for your preferences. Hang on in there!

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    • Thank you for your kindness.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Do not feel bad about it. Fat people need love too! Beside they have 1000 other fetishes which are much more disturbing. If anyone gives you anyone lip ignore them and tell them to mind their own business. The fact you are not as judgmental about it will make you look like the better person. Different strokes.

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