Do people still not understand that my version of normal's conformity?

Don't get started on the subjective bullshit which implies I'm weird to you.

My definition is simple and common: mimicking everybody else, average, regular, mundane, typical, usual, not weird or different or special, at least by 94%.

By this definition a man is ultranormal.

My way of defining the same words as you defining exactly what I'm defining is exactly the same and refers to the same things and their characteristics, the same way as you, not the other way around.

I assimilate to the extreme, therefore what's normal to me is the normality of the majority and not the lies fed to me by individuals, never trust a weirdo. We're all the same.
With this definition of normal it's possible to be unique and non-conformist and still fit this definition, it's not considered weird or different or special. You can be eccentric and still be normal in this way.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    youre pretty weird hans

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    • normal-rebellious

      Weird? Like keeping your clothes on and being a patriot and winding up at the milk bar is weird, come on!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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    • SwickDinging

      Harsh but fair

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's kinda sad.

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  • You say you're normal, regular, mundane, but you say you take assimilation to an extreme

    Let me ask you, if you assimilate to being normal, does that not prove that without the will to change then you would not be an assimilated normal person, and in fact uniquely different, likely on a relative scale of how extreme your methods are, defining your true essence not as normal, but rather as the original, truer to self mentality that was able to be assimilated, the same unique mentality that continues to assimilate new labels and philosophies?

    I'm kinda like that too tbh. I've taken on psychology, spirituality, philosophy, astrology, and many other different labels and have made them a part of me. But I don't ever think I'm "just" a psychology person, my interests aren't who I am. They don't change me or make me different.

    They expand my wisdom and make me a better person. My interests have sharpened my brain so I can interact with my environment much better. You know it's like, psychology itself is its own pure essence, and part of that essence is within my power to control, but for you it's like "normalcy" (which is ironically unique to how you define it) becomes the true essence you wish to become your own. It's like you're throwing out who you are to replace with something you think is better

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    • normal-rebellious

      True, it's the work of other people that's better than individual inventions of my own, I'm good at inventing strange things, but who's going to take on board an eccentric and take them seriously?
      What I created was myself and in your words taking something better. But it's not better if what I invented has the power to annoy just for existing, the problem is you can carry on being unique until it pisses people off when the same length of time should be until people like you.

      I wasn't on that road of uniqueness or eccentricity, but it will change that world I'm accustomed to.

      It's simply a matter of knowing I chose this myself, no one else picked it for me or asked me to be normal.
      It's self-imposed.

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  • Rocketrain

    People aren't normal or unltranormal. People are unique individuals.

    Original idea of being normal is a structure which was created to keep a civilized manner in a society. Such as you can't brush your teeth in public or can you. Ofc you can but it's a disturbance to others. Hence brushing teeth in public named as not normal.
    And people have over done it and everyone is scaling this on their own way now. Such as what ever I do, I think, I feel is normal and what ever doesn't fit that is not normal.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Thanks but I asked for advice from a normalcy expert, not a unique individual.

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  • LornaMae

    You are a completely normal exotic cookie!

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeh, good enough.

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  • techpc

    It's abnormal to strive for such extreme normalcy.

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