Do sex offenders deserve a second chance?
Yes. | 30 | |
Depends. | 81 | |
No. | 73 |
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Yes. | 30 | |
Depends. | 81 | |
No. | 73 |
Depends on what you're classifying as a sexual offense.
Technically having a naked picture of yourself on your phone if you're under 18 in the pic is by law possession of child pornography and a sexual offense.
The following 3 offenses I think should carry life sentences.
1. Violent rape- if it is proven the guy took her by force.
2. If a guy drugs a girl without her knowledge to fuck her.
3. Sex with a minor of a certain age, not sure where the line should be drawn here, but I'll say if the kid is in the single digits.
I think everyone deserves a second chance. Especially people who haven't done anything serious.
It depends on the recidivism. If the offender will repeat his or her crimes or if its a one time deal. That I believe is taken into account.
Some should be given a second chance. Some are more heinous than the next.
Most sex offenses are fare the results from power of suggestion. Some little kid sees a grown up penis, doesn't think anything about it, tells mom or some woman they saw someone's willy and giggled. The woman instantly goes hysterical, not asking for the circumstances, perhaps someone was walking to or from a shower unaware of anyone in the house, this woman calls the police and cries child is damaged for life. The penis is not psychically traumatizing, its the reaction some people have to it or pretend. Rape is not the genitals, even if the genitals are used in some cases. Rape like all assaults is about control and stripping away someone's security. Rape is not sex either. Why is rape hard to prove. There are many circumstances. There is a movement or cause by a certain group that wants the laws changed. If a woman cries rape they want to be instantly believed, the accused thrown in jail without a trial or legal proceedings or legal counsel, no rape kits, no interviews or investigation. Just believe me when I say I've been raped and throw him in jail. This is unconstitutional. We also as a society choose our demons. Brock Turner for example fingered an unconscious girl behind a dumpster, Owen LeBrie lured a girl to a tower, and John Enochs did something similar twice, recently there is a 20 year old dude from Wisconsin that kept a notebook of his conquests. There was also a high school student by the name of David--last name escapes me--who also committed the crime. John Enochs received probation, Owen LeBrie sexual offender registry and 2 years held off on a appeal. David someone no jail time and Brock Turner 6 months, 5 years probation and life time sexual offender registry. Then recently one guy who served 16 years had his conviction overturned because it turned out the girl cried wolf. People are saying the girl and anyone who falsifies a rape claim should be arrested, women are saying NO, because the poor girl was just confused. Someone spends 16 years in jail for something he didn't commit and the girl is just confused. I am one who does not believe rape deserves a life sentence. Like any assault should be treated as such, I believe assault lands you in jail for at least up to 5 years.
What the fuck? I lube up sausage bread with mustard and slide me wanger in and out of it. Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor?
it's all fucked up everywhere.
This reminds of one time I was reading an article in the newspaper and it listed 4 convicted criminals and their sentences. 1. A murderer, 2 a rapist, 3 a child molester, and 4 a drug dealer who was caught with a quarter kilo of cocaine.
The drug dealer got a longer sentence than the other 3 combined, wtf.
I'd like to see how you'd feel after getting drunk and waking up with a sore, semen-filled asshole.
And people saying it was your fault for losing control, not their fault for finding your unconscious ass too irresistible to penetrate.
No, because there is no justifying sexual assault...ever. Everyone knows it is wrong. There is no time when sexual assault is necessary to defend yourself. It is inexcusable. Anyone who does it should suffer.
While I don't disagree with your statement in general...
My aunt was a respite carer for a child who was being fostered. His foster mother fucked him over (emotionally, not sexually, but that's anwhole different story) and he was sent to a group home where he was raped. By another child. 13/14 years old, I think.
He was psychologically damaged from what was in his past. Does it make it ok? Of course not. Does it mean he deserves to suffer? Well, he already did. And yes, he was a child himself, but I think this can also be extended to some, if not many offenders with a history of being abused or of mental illness.
Psychological damage certainly is a big factor in the "why", and if adequately addressed, that does make a big difference as to whether the person is able to reform. In no way should it be a get out of jail free card. Sadly, we don't have systems or funding to adequately fix this problem.
And still, most people ignore the whole dact that the more you spend on services and support in the early years, the more society benefits :(
Also thr whole sexual assault vs teens sexting, public urination, etc, but I just assumed that it was given that you were not including that by your use of "sexual assault" as opposed to "sex offenders". Just adding that to pre empt the window lickers.
Yeah the whole pissing in public thing is a lie. Nobody actually gets arrested for that and put on the sex offender registry for it. Like I said, almost all sex offenses are plea-downs for pretty major/violent offenses because the victim didn't want to go through more hell to maybe or probably not get a chance at a rape conviction. The crime these guys are convicted of are usually not the crime they are actually guilty of.
Ah ok.
Do you know more about the sexting between under aged teens being considered making and distributing child porn thing? My knowledge is clearly basic at best.
Can't argue with the rest of your comment.
Same thing, usually. The sexting is usually the least of the crimes going on. May seem unfair if parents are pushing for arrest but put yourself in their place. And often it is an older person involved. I don't know of any cases with danger of...or involved with.... people of the same or similar age where someone got unjustly punished. Show me a case of same age sexting unjust harsh punishment that is not an anomaly.
I have heard that some of the worst abusers are those who were abused. I don't buy that as any excuse though. I can have some tolerance for someone who knew nothing else but abuse but nobody else gets a pass. Most people know damn well what they are doing.
I'm not sure I agree with "most" people, but I have no doubt that there are many who do fall into that category.
People who are cognitively or psychologically impaired may or may not. I'm no expert, but I think there is a possibility of this. I'm not saying it is the most prevalent, but that there would be some cases and these people may not have fucked up if they had had adequate support early on.
I said yes, because as a general rule I think anyone deserves a second chance (but thy might have to earn it), but mostly I think "sex offender" is no longer a useful category, if it ever was. It covers everything from the worst things you could do to a person short of murder to crimes so trivial they shouldn't even be crimes.
Imagine if people talked about "theft offenders", completely glossing over the fact that the category included everyone from people who take a jelly beans from the bulk candy bins without paying to armed carjackers. That's basically the same situation we've got with sex offenders.
"The plea bargain (also plea agreement, plea deal, copping a plea, or plea in mitigation) is any agreement in a criminal case between the prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in return for some concession from the prosecutor."
"A plea bargain allows both parties to avoid a lengthy criminal trial and may allow criminal defendants to avoid the risk of conviction at trial on a more serious charge."
"Plea bargaining is a significant part of the criminal justice system in the United States; the vast majority (roughly 90%)of criminal cases in the United States are settled by plea bargain rather than by a jury trial."
And what are the facts of that case?
You didn't 'prove me wrong' as there will always be outliers (extreme cases) in any subject but those are exceptions rather than rules and they don't necessarily create a solid basis for attacking the general idea here...and there is also no proof or background information on the example you provided (could be fake, could be exaggerated, she could have deserved the punishment, etc)
People should be able to get high. It doesn't hurt anyone else.
Whooping someone's ass is usually justified. If it's not, then no one has a problem punishing it.
There is never any excuse to rape or sexually abuse anyone. Period.
It depends. Pedophiles should be executed or sentenced to life in prison. Adult on adult rape (or even teen/teen rape) is harder to judge. A lot of he said, she said, we were both drinking scenarios. If s/he put something in the victim's drink, they should serve some time. Violent rapists should also serve time (longer than non-violent rapists) and be castrated.
No, it's more common just to nail someone for child porn or etc... rather than force the victim to testify for rape. So, yeah, we could try him for rape and whatever else but instead of putting the victim through a trial we will just put him through the wringer for the child porn charges. Usually the victim agrees to such an outcome to avoid embarrassment and judgement. Yeah, if I can put him away for a guaranteed 3 years without putting myself through extensive hardship and embarrassment by just agreeing to his child porn plea then ...ok. Because my outlook is worse (he says/she says) and I have to testify and go through hell for what may end up being nothing. Might as well assure he gets SOME time in jail. This is exactly why a conviction for child porn or 'pissing outside' is usually more than just that. It's a compromise, a major one usually, in favor of the offender.
Depends. If the crime was an 18 year old banging a consenting 16 year old or public urination (yes you can be labeled a sex offender for that) or even two 18 plus adults getting caught in public, then yes.
If you rape or molest, no.
romeo and juliet clauses are necessary though. Say a 15 and a 14 year old were dating and went steady for years. Then all the sudden the guy turns 18 now he can't fuck his long term girlfriend, for a year
Depends, once in my school a little kid was expelled for grabbing a girl's tits.
Let's open up the debate for those who are convinced that 'sex offence' means rape and child molestation. Here are a couple of interesting articles:
"Depends on if they're a man or a woman." Is what I wanted to say, just to see people's reactions. But since I don't want to get into any trouble, I've got to be honest about this. It really only depends on how severe the crime was. Say if a 20 year old has completely consensual sex with a 17 year old, after his initial legal punishment maybe he could be forgiven over time since it's not really pedophilia. Or, like John said, people who happened to urinate where they weren't supposed to. The punishment should always fit the crime, and one has to make sure to not overdo it.
It's an interesting issue to raise, though. Women tend to get more lenient sentences for sexual offences. For example, a guy here in the UK received a six-year custodial sentence for manually stimulating a willing 15-year-old. Around the same time, a women who had managed to pass herself off as a man seduced several young teenage girls (in separate incidents) into bed (the youngest was 12 or 13), always insisting they do it in the dark and then using an artificial phallus of some description to penetrate them. She got three years.
At the same time, men who have experienced genuinely abusive predatory sexual behaviour from adult women often complain that they are not believed. It's almost as though society is intent upon superimposing it's narrative onto their stories. 10-year-old boy abused by a woman? He must have enjoyed it! 15-year-old girl engaging in willing sex with a man? He's a vile rapist!
I don't have much issue with a 20 year old and a 17 year old fucking anyways. The state I'm in the age of consent is 16
That's true. It's really not such a big deal. If it were up to me, that really wouldn't be illegal. There would still be an age of consent, but there would be additional rules like some countries have that allow people just under it to have sex with people just a little over it.
Public urination or taking your genitals out in public? Let's be clear here. Were public urination and open gross lewdness existing seperate offenses in MA in 1986? Why was this man charged with 2 counts of open and gross lewdness and not just public urination? Why did witnesses complain and why did police hunt him down the next day? People (multiple people) witnessed him exposing his genitals either way. Why was he given such a harsh sentence?
Answer the question.
Not moving the goalposts or anything. It's always been a fact that he was charged and convicted of something other than public urination. You're the one who won't accept that.
Were public urination and open and gross lewdness both existing separate legal offenses in the state, and at the time, he was arrested?
"‘There must have been...’ is speculation; try a sentence beginning with ‘there was…’ and you might fare better."
OK. There was enough evidence to convict this man of the charges and give him a rather harsh sentence. A court of law requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt. There you go.
"But he was convicted of open and gross lewdness for urinating in public."
No. That's speculation on your part. He CLAIMS he was just peeing. The state claims otherwise. He got convicted for more than 'just peeing'. Obviously there must have been more evidence AGAINST his claim than for it considering he was found guilty.
"They aren’t ‘points of evidence’; they’re ‘points of speculation’."
It is evidence...what do you think evidence is?
"Asserting something as fact doesn’t make it fact."
No, but if that statement is a fact, then it's a fact. What is your point? The statement in question IS factual.
"He was convicted of open and gross lewdness for urinating in public."
No. He says he was urinating. The state says otherwise. Since he got convicted of something more than public urination, to assume he was only peeing is gross speculation against all evidence.
It's not 'pure speculation' to say criminal cases often end in a plea deal...
He was convicted of 'open and gross lewdness'. That is a fact. You can dismiss all my other points of evidence if you wish but the fact is, he was convicted of 'open and gross lewdness'. So, let's not SPECULATE that he did anything other than what the courts found him guilty of, eh? Since you're such a stickler when it comes to speculation...
true the sytem of relying only on age is flawed but that being said, if we tried to look into everyone's individual age and level of maturity, 1 it would require a ridiculous amount of man power and funding to screen everyone, and two then it's subject to hman bias
The question asked was "should sex offenders get a second chance?"
It's MY opinion and MY choice that no, they should not. This is part of MY belief that there is no excuse for sexual abuse.
I'm open to new ideas but all this rape apologia, minimizing and dismissing my feelings on the matter as fallacious and illogical is not conducive to good discussion.
No, you provided an example of a man who CLAIMS he was 'just peeing'.
He was not on the registry for 'public urination'...his charge/conviction was for 2 counts of 'open and gross lewdness'.
HIS OWN lawyer said (direct quote) "A two-year sentence in this incident is a fairly severe sentence. You'd have to think there's evidence to support that."
"The National Association to Protect Children, which campaigns for protection against child predators, doesn't buy Matamoros' story.
The agency's executive director, Grier Weeks, said some sex offenders offer that same explanation -- that they were just relieving themselves.
Massachusetts is not known as a really tough-on-sex-offenders state," Weeks said. "If they locked up a guy for two months, my guess is there's more to the story."
Being inexcusable, in my opinion, makes the case for no second chance.
I don't even give a fuck if you're mentally ill, you should not get a second chance to re-offend. How does that even work...oh, you fingered my ass uninvited but you're retarded so whatever :/... No. Just because you 'don't know better' doesn't mean you get to run around loose if you're a known surprise butt-fingerer.
"Paul Mishkin, the Boston lawyer who represented Matamoros in 1986, could not recall details of the case this week, but said it was clear the judge considered the incident very serious."He [Matamoros] told his side of the story to the judge, but clearly there was evidence that made the judge disagree," said Mishkin. "A two-year sentence in this incident is a fairly severe sentence. You'd have to think there's evidence to support that."
So, what did he do? Just like I said, there is usually some reason for the charge. He wasn't in all this trouble just for peeing (apparently). "Haverhill police arrested Matamoros the next morning, charging him with two counts of "open and gross lewdness," a charge used when a suspect exposes or touches himself with the intent to shock or scare people."
He claims he was 'just peeing' but it's not adding up. What do the witnesses say he was doing? While it's technically possible he may be getting worked over by the law, it's also VERY possible he was not 'just peeing'. I mean, why would people complain about a man discreetely pissing (most wouldn't) AND why would the cops hunt him down the next day just for whizzing (they wouldn't)...the whole 'just peeing' thing sounds like an excuse. Maybe he made a dumb mistake and ran around screaming with his dick in his hand? Sounds more likely than 'just peeing'. He also seems to have other legal troubles so maybe he is a criminal scumbag? I'm definitely not convinced this man was 'just peeing'. Show me a case where someone actually WAS 'just peeing', not just claiming they were because they got caught with their pants down so to speak. Peeing my ass...
I choose sex offenders since I was discussing this with some other people earlier today. From what I could tell only half them thought they should be forgiven but I'm not sure which side to take.
It's very reliant on the reason they're registered as a sex offender. There's a massive difference between "I got drunk and got caught urinating on a lamppost," and, say, "I went to a party and raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster." And even then, for the sake of whether a second chance should be a possibility, there's a distinction to be made between rape, exhibitionism, sex in a public place when there was no intent of exposure to the general public... There's just too much to lump it all together. Having said all that, though, rape is pretty much at the top of the "no second chances" list. If a person decides it's cool to forcibly ldehumanize another human being for their own sexual needs, then they don't deserve another go at not being a human garbage bag.